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2020-12-17 17:25:01

Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum单元自主检测


1. There have been a lot of ______(社会的)changes in the last hundred years.

2. I ______(害怕)that she may lose her way in the forest.

3. Jack has ______(收集)over three hundred Chinese stamps.

4. Yesterday I saw five ______(日本人)on the street.

5. Have you cleaned the dirty ______(厕所)yet?

6. There are four seasons in a year. S______ comes after winter.

7. Ji’nan is the capital of Shandong P______ .

8. We don’t know w______ it’s going to rain or not tomorrow.

9. It is s______ to cross the road when the traffic light is green.

10. I want to take some photos during the trip. so I will take a c______ with me


11. It’s not ______ (simple) a question of money.

12. Tina’s parents love ______ (India) food very much.

13. He loves a very adventurous life while I enjoy a more ______ (peace) life.

14. We saw some ______ (fox) in the zoo yesterday. They were very lovely.

15. Would you like to see her ______ (perform) with me tonight?


16. -I have never enjoyed success in playing ping-pong. -Me ______ .

A. neither B. too C. also D. not

17. -Where’s Mr. Li? -He ______ Paris. He ______ Paris many times.

A. has been to ; has been to B. has gone to; has been in

C. has been to; has been in D. has gone to; has been to

18. -Have you ______ watched NBA games? -Yes, I really enjoy them.

A. ever B. still C. yet D. never

19. It’s reported that over eight ______ people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal.

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of

20. Tourists can choose to visit Kunming ______ they like-spring, summer, autumn or winter.

A. whoever B. whatever C. whenever D. Wherever

21. He’s clever, but ______ he doesn’t work so hard.

A. on one hand B. on the hand C. on other hand D. on the other hand

22. -Look, there’s no light in the house.

A. has gone to B. has been to C. have gone to D. have been to

23. -Hello! Could I speak to Lily?

-Sorry, she is sleeping now. She ______ Shanghai.

A. have just been to B. have already gone to

C. has just been to D. has already gone to

24. The teacher always encourages us ______ questions in class.

A. to ask B. ask C. asking D. asked

25. Take the map, Jeff. Then you won’t have any problem ______ that small hotel.

A. find B. to find C. finding D. found


26. 因为这附近没有公交车,我们步行走了几千米。

Since there were no buses near here, we walked ______ ______ ______ kilometers.

27. 你看过茶艺表演吗?

Have you ever seen the performance of ______ ______ ?

28. 你知道我们要去那个游乐场吗?

Do you know the ______ ______ that we’ll go to?

29. 汤姆的爸爸很忙,全年不在家。

Tom’s father is very busy and isn’t at home ______ ______ ______ .

30. 一方面这所房子太小。另一方面它离学校太远。

On the one hand the house is too small. ______ ______ ______ ______ , it is too far from the school.


Natural island population southeast around amusement wonder be province perfect wish tourist

Taiwan lies in the 1. ___31___ of China. It’s the largest 2. ___32___ in China. It has an area of about 36,000 square kilometers and it has a 3. ___33___ of over 20,000,000. It is rich in 4. ___34___ resources(资源). Bananas, rice, tea and so on are famous at home and abroad. Clothes and food are also famous 5. ___35___ the world. Its beautiful scenery, such as Sun Moon Lake and Mount Ali, and its 6. ___36___ climate(气候)make more and more 7. ___37___ come to Taiwan.

Taiwan has 8. ___38___ a part of China since ancient times. Most people of the island came from Fujian and Guangdong 9. ___39___ . All the people on both sides of the strait(海峡)have a strong 10. ___40___ to unite our motherland(祖国统一)



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