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《这是一篇奇瑞的中英文新闻稿 大家都来围观》

2020-12-24 18:10:01


On Nov 11th, Chery Automobile Co.,Ltd released its “WWW+ plan” in Beijing and announcedto open its strategic global market blueprint in the new intelligence era. Asan important step and actual action in this big strategic layout, CheryAutomobile signed a strategic cooperation agreement on site with CAOA, thebiggest automobile manufacturer and retailer in Brazil. Both sides will take deepcooperation in R&D, manufacturing, purchasing, sales and other fields,jointly reinforcing Chery’s brand influence in Latin-America.

发布会现场,支撑“WWW+计划”落地的奇瑞全球化营销团队重磅亮相。团队由奇瑞汽车副总经理、负责市场与营销模块的何晓庆领衔,奇瑞国际公司总经理潘燕龙、国内营销公司总经理贾亚权、负责欧美市场EXEED业务拓展的Lorenz Glaab共同组成,形成全球市场同步推进的强大合力。

On the conference site, Chery’s globalmarketing team, which realized the landing of “WWW+ plan”, struck aneye-catching pose on the stage. The team is led by He Xiaoqing, Vice President ofChery Automobile responsible for the marketing and sales module, consisting ofPan Yanlong, GM of Chery International Corp, Jia Yaquan, GM of domesticmarketing and sales Corp, Lorenz Glaab, responsible for EXEED businessdevelopment in Europe and North American market, which all form a mightycombined force for the synchronous advancement of global market.

正值奇瑞汽车成立20周年的重要节点,作为连续14年保持中国乘用车出口第一的领军者,首次发布全球市场战略的奇瑞获得行业内外、社会各界、海内外媒体的高度关注。巴西驻华大使Marcos Caramuru De Paiva,阿根廷、乌拉圭等驻华使领馆代表,以及现场400多家国内外媒体,共同见证了这场规模盛大的战略发布会。

Exactly at the timingmarking the 20th anniversary of Chery’s establishment and as theleader of the automobile industry maintaining the first place 14 years in a rowin the export of passenger vehicles in China, Chery got high attention from theindustry inside and outside, all sectors of society, medias from home andabroad by releasing its global market strategy the first time. Marcos CaramuruDe Paiva, the Brazilian Ambassador to China, representatives from Argentine andUruguayan embassies and consulates to China, and over 400 medias from home andabroad jointly witnessed this grand strategic news conference.

“汽车正面向一个良性健康发展的新时代,智能绿色发展的新时代。面向新时代,奇瑞制定了WWW+计划“,何晓庆现场为大家阐释了WWW+计划的内涵。它是一个集全球智慧(World Wide Wisdom),合作共赢(Win-Win),智能互联(Wired)的计划,加号Plus寓意可持续性、与时俱进和无限可能。

“The automobileindustry is faced with a new era with benign and healthy development, a new erawith smart and green development. Under this background, Chery formulated WWW+plan”, said He Xiaoqing, who explained the connotation of “WWW+ plan” on site.It is a plan combining World Wide Wisdom, Win-Win and Wired Intelligence, Plusmeans sustainability, advancing with times and unlimited possibilities.


Gathering “global wisdom”, forging Chinese Namecard

奇瑞“WWW+计划”中,第一个W诠释为Wisdom,集全球智慧,扬中华文化。纵观世界各国汽车工业的发展,所有国际汽车巨头无不受益于市场全球化,参与全球市场竞争和实现品牌国际化也是国内汽车企业发展的必经之路。自2001年第一辆奇瑞汽车走出国门,截至目前奇瑞累计出口销量超过130万辆,占同期中国乘用车出口的30%。今年以来,奇瑞出口已超过10万辆。平均每5分钟,奇瑞就多了一位海外用户, 在全球,每0.75分钟就会增加一位奇瑞用户。

The first W in Chery’s “WWW+ plan” stands forWisdom, in detail, gathering global wisdom and promoting Chinese culture.Looking through the automobile industry development in various countries, noneof giant international automobile enterprises didn’t benefit fromglobalization. Participating in global market competition and realizing brandinternationalization is an inevitable way for the development of domesticautomobile enterprises. In 2001, the first Chery car went abroad, till now, theexport sales volume in aggregate has exceeded 1.3 million, accounting for 30%of exported Chinese passenger vehicles within the same period. In this year,Chery has exported over 100 thousand vehicles. Chery adds an overseas userevery 5 minutes, Globally, every 0.75 minute there will be a new Chery user.


From Latin-America to Middle East, from placeswith severe cold, ice and snow to blistering deserts and gobis, Chery’s wheelsroll in over 80 countries and regions abroad, which also disseminates Chineseculture. No matter seizing the opportunity of national “Belt and RoadInitiative”, or taking the initiative to tap European and American mainstreammarket, Chery always takes open and creative mindset to consolidate globalresources, organically integrate enterprise wisdom with that of Chinese andglobal partners, thereby opening a new pattern for self-owned brands to realizeinternationalization.


“To realize the global market coverage, we mustnot only ‘step outward, but also ‘move forward’ and ’go upward’”, said PanYanlong, VP of Chery Automobile and GM of International Corp, who gave a briefintroduction about Chery’s overseas layout in the strategy news conference.Before 2013, Chery has successfully ‘step outward’, taking developing countriesas the entry point, seizing trade opportunities and tapping overseas market.From 2014 to 2020, Chery will ‘move forward’, proactively set up new-emergingmarket, implement active planning and management, promote the improvement ofmarketing ability and advance brand building. After 2020, Chery will ‘go upward’,finish the global layout, comprehensively implement brand strategies and becomea world class brand with global competitiveness.


When the export business of many automobileenterprises is still at the stage of commodity trade, Chery, “good at globalplanning”, is taking the transition from “market operation” to “globaloperation” quietly. Upgrading from pure product output to diversified output ofproduct, technology, brand and culture, Chery hopes to become the fashionableand young brand in overseas customers’ minds, while becoming a piece of “namecard”of Chinese automobile industry in the whole world. As a matter of fact, in someoverseas market, Chery has become one of the representatives of Chineseautomobile industry. In the surveys of 2015 and 2016 “Top 20 Overseas Images ofChinese Enterprises” sponsored by the Information Office of the State Council,Chery ranked first in equipment manufacturing industry, being the only selectedautomobile manufacturing enterprise.


Consolidate global resource, realize win-wincooperation


The second W in Chery’s various countries meansWin-Win, in detail, consolidating global premium resources in an open-mindedmanner and further realizing win-win cooperation. Regarding the marketstrategy, Chery hopes to fully respect cooperation partners, carry outcomprehensive technology, capital and resource cooperation with the industryinside and outside, all parties from home and abroad with an open mindset,jointly forge global production and sales network, promote brand reputation andpopularity, thereby realizing the win-win cooperation under the globalizationbackground.


The contract-signing cooperation between CheryAutomobile and Brazilian CAOA Group vividly demonstrates “global win-wincooperation”. Both sides plan to set up an united team, make full use ofbilateral R&D, production capacity, channels and other advantages andresources, continuously increase the capital and resource input in Brazil,jointly enhance Chery’s brand influence in Brazil. They also agree to launch2-3 new products every year highly conforming with local customers’ demand inthe Brazilian market in the next several years.


With the deployment ofChery’s global production and market layout, more and more world-classenterprises will appear on the list of Chery’s cooperation partners. In itspresent international supply-chain system, the number of Top500 partenterprises cooperating with Chery directly has reached 60. Besides, Chery hascarried out joint venture cooperation with nearly 20 Top500 enterprises, whichcover many fields of automobile industry chain’s upstream and downstream, suchas, engine technology, new material technology, information technology,automobile electronics, interior and exterior , automobile lighting and so on.


Suppliers, dealers, users, strategicinvestors….all are partners Chery hopes to join hands for the win-wincooperation. Jia Yaquan, Vice GM of Chery Automobile and GM of the marketingand sales Corp, when introducing the domestic market and brand developmentpath, also mentioned especially “insisting on the cooperation concept ofwin-win collaboration”, establishing more scientific profit model, forgingregional marketing and sales system with complete procedures, while takingcustomers’ interest as the core, making dealers get profit, relievingcustomers’ worries with a sincere attitude and winning customers’ trust viaprofessional service.


On the conference site, Jia Yaquan alsoofficially announced the brand-new launching of 2018 Tiggo 7(MT Version), whichis featured with 38 premium upgrades. After firstly launched in Chinese marketin 2016, Tiggo 7, developed based on the international first-rate positivesystem and produced with the supporting of global supply-chain, has hit themarket in Iran, Chile successively. In the future, it will also land in Egypt,Middle East and other market, which enables it to become a genuine “globalcar”.


Focus on wired intelligence, guide life styles


Although modernautomobile industry is always dominated by western countries, can Chinesebrands only be followers? Chen Anning, GM of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd,responded: “Technically speaking, I think Chinese brands have been wellprepared, not weaker than joint venture brands at all, no matter in chassis,power assembly, safety, or other specific technology.”

奇瑞“WWW+计划”中,第三个W诠释为Wired ,智能互联,引导新时代生活方式。奇瑞在产品战略上,将始终以用户为中心,继续保持技术领先,保持新能源发展的优势,重点突破智能互联技术,为客户提供一种“新时代智能互联的生活方式”。

The third W in Chery’s “WWW+ plan” refers toWired, in detail, Wired intelligence and guiding the life styles in the newera. As for product strategy, Chery will always be centered on customer,continuously keep the technological precedence and the advantage of new energydevelopment, put emphasis on breaking through the technology of wiredintelligence, thereby providing customers with a kind of “life style in the newage of intelligent cars”.

事实上,智能互联、新能源或将成为自主品牌“逆袭”国际大咖的一种可能。在今年的法兰克福国际车展上,奇瑞与雷克萨斯等豪华品牌以及欧洲主流品牌同馆展出,这对中国品牌来说是个极大认可,许多欧洲同行也对奇瑞EXEED产品给予了很高的评价。尤其是当奇瑞EXEED TX展车全球首发亮相时,连一向苛刻的欧洲权威媒体和观众,也发出“incredible!”的惊叹。EXEED TX不仅在外观设计、动力、平台等技术上具备了与外资品牌同台竞技的实力,还将搭载全新的智能系统,运用人脸识别、智能语音、增强现实等“黑科技”,具有智能互联的优势。而EXEED这个高端产品系列本身,也将成为奇瑞未来开拓欧洲市场的先锋。

As a matter of fact, wiredintelligence and new energy may become a possibility for self-owned brands to“counterattack” international giants. In this year’s Frankfurt InternationalAuto Show, Chery was exhibited in the same hall as Lexus and other luxuriousbrands and European mainstream brands, which is a tremendous recognition forChinese brand. Many European peers also appraised highly for Chery’s EXEEDproducts. Especially, when Chery’s EXEED TX show car debuted globally, thealways-tough European authority medias and audiences also exclaimed“incredible”. EXEED TX not only possesses strength comparable with foreignbrands in exterior appearance design, power, platform technologies, but also isequipped with many “advanced technologies”, such as, face identification, smartvoicing, enhanced reality and so on, thus having the advantage of wiredintelligence. EXEED, this high-end product series, will also become the pioneerof Chery to tap European market in the future.

人们渐渐发现,中国汽车品牌除了在外观设计、品质性能等方面令人刮目相看之外,得益于国家政策的支持,在新能源、智能互联技术方面甚至是领先于外国企业的。负责欧美市场EXEED业务拓展的Lorenz Glaab在发布上表示,未来,针对欧美成熟消费市场的能源升级大环境,奇瑞将推出更多新能源车型满足成熟市场的需求。

People gradually find that Chinese automobilebrands not only leave a deep impression in the aspects of exterior appearancedesign, quality and performance, they even get the better of foreignenterprises in terms of new energy and wired intelligence due to the support ofnational policies. Lorenz Glaab, responsible for EXEED’s business developmentin Europe and North America market,stated at the conference that, based on the fuel pressure in Europe and North Americamarket, Chery will provide more new energy vehicles to satisfy the requirementsfrom mature market.


In the aspect of wiredintelligence application, as the first automobile enterprise in China owing theunderlying control technology, Chery is establishing the new ecology ofintelligence and mobile trips centered on user experience. In the WorldInternet Conference held in China in Sep of 2016, EQ, the unmanned car jointlydeveloped by Chery and Baidu, demonstrated its autonomous driving under openurban road conditions. Besides, Chery formulates “124 strategy for intelligentnetwork”, that is, forging 1 intelligently connected life circle integratingpeople, car and life, establishing 2 creative technology platforms of autodriving and wired intelligence, implementing through 4 stages and fulfillingcomplete autonomous driving till 2020.


“The plus symbol in “WWW+” meanssustainability, advancing with times and unlimited possibilities. The goal ofChery’s globalization strategy is to transform the current international brandof Chinese automobiles to a world-famous automobile brand”. In the globalstrategy blueprint depicted by He Xiaoqing, the rapidly-developing intelligenceera provides an expansion space with unlimited possibilities for thedevelopment of the automobile industry. As a self-owned brand of Chinesenation, Chery will be dedicated to becoming “a badge on Chinese state card”,developing products to meet the requirements of customers from differentmarket, and providing the best service. “We hope Chery can become therepresentative of Chinese manufacturing and quality, the representative ofChinese design and creation, the representative of Chinese brand and culture,the representative of Chinese wisdom and strength, also become a Chinese symbolflowing in global cities and villages, streets and alleys, which is the supremegoal of our global market strategy.”



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