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2021-01-29 20:35:02




The story is that Dorothy, a girl from Kansas, USA, was swept to a place called mengqijin by a tornado. The northern witch instructed her to go to jadeite city to find the magician of Oz to help her go home. On the way, I met the scarecrow who needed a good head, the iron man who needed a heart and the little lion who needed courage. They go together for their own ideals and aspirations. The journey was not smooth, but the difficulties did not defeat them... Instead, they were brought together to tide over the difficulties. At last, after all their hardships, Dorothy finally returned home safely.

Compared with their fearlessness and courage to move forward, they are far behind. Once, my mother reported hard pen calligraphy class to me. At the beginning, I was full of enthusiasm and hard work, but after a few days of persistence, I found it very boring to learn hard pen calligraphy. So I started a small job in class and didnt finish the homework assigned by my teacher when I came home. I felt very ashamed to think of it.

After reading this book, I want to learn from Dorothy and her friends. To do anything, I need to be persistent, overcome myself, and not afraid of difficulties, so that I can finally realize my wishes.






I am a girl who is active and does not like reading. Although my mother arranges my time to read books every day during winter vacation, I pretend to be. This time, I got a book named "Wizard of Oz" in my little friends house, and I was attracted to it at once, and I read the book carefully.

The story tells of a little girl named Dorothea rolled into a strange place by a tornado, away from her home. She met the Western witch, and the Western witch directed her to go to Emerald City to find a magician to help her home. On the way, she met scarecrow, Tiepisio J and cowardly lion. They all share the same wish and return to their hometown. At last they found the great magician, but the magician said that only the Oriental witch could realize their own wishes and tell them how to find the Oriental witch, and they found the Oriental witch according to their instructions. Finally, the Oriental witch used magic to help them all return to their hometown.

Every reading of a book has a lot of feelings, and she is a brave and kind girl who can always stick to it and come up with a solution. I think I should learn from her, in the days to come, no matter the difficulties encountered in the study, I should be good at thinking, careful observation, learn not to understand the question; also in life encountered difficulties I do not give up, never shrink back, to be a brave, kind person.






Wizard of Oz is a fairy tale carefully written by American writer Lyman Frank Baum. The article contains the authors inspiration to the desire - dont think that the desire can never be realized. As long as you work hard and strive for it, then the desire will be realized by us.

The wizard of Oz paints a moving story full of friendship, courage and trust. Let us know that friendship is a kind of quiet and calm love, guided by reason, the habit of forming, the combination of long - term understanding and common, without jealousy, and no fear. True perseverance is that when a man is in trouble or danger, he can calm himself and do his duty. (Rock)

The images depicted in the wizard of Oz are Rosie, scarecrow, iron man, lion, and oz. They have experienced a lot of things together: bravely defeated the evil Western wicked witch; they worked together through the exquisite porcelain country and the wooded Schwarzwald; found the good Southern witch Genda, finally finished the desire to go home with Rosie, and lived happily with Aunt Amy and uncle Henry.

By reading the work of Wizard of Oz, we must learn more about Rosies steadfast spirit and optimistic attitude. Although there are some frustrations and hardships to realize the ideal desire, as long as we have persevered efforts, one day, we feel that the desire to be impossible will be realized.








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