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2021-01-31 02:55:01




Beijing is an ancient city with a long history。 Back in 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the moment, had been named capital of Yan。 Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty all made Beijing their capital。 Therefore, Beijing was famous for "Capital of a thousand years"。

The long history leaves Beijing precious cultural treasure。 Winding for several kilometers in Beijing area, the Great Wall is the only man—made structure that could been seen in the space。 The Summer Palace is a classic composition of ancient royal gardens, and the Forbidden City is the largest royal palaces in the world。 Tiantan is where the emperor used to fete their ancestors, and also the soul of Chinese ancient constructions。 The four sites above has been confirmed world cultural heritage by UNESCO。 However, the best representatives for Beijing are the vanishing Hutongs and square courtyards。 Through hundreds of years, they have become symbol of Beijings life。 Tiananmen square being still brilliant today with cloverleaf junctions and skyscrapers everywhere, the old—timey scene and modern culture are combined to present a brand new visage of Beijing。

As Beijing has been confirmed home city of Olym//www.zuowen.net/picmunications between Chinese and foreign people。


As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china。So more and more people want to visit Beijing.I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold . The warm wind will make you fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for its beautiful sence and cultural inheritance .If you want to ha一ve a enjoyable journey ,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place.When you feel tired after one days journey ,you can taste the "Zha Jiang Mian",a kind of traditional food in Beijing.There are many other things you can do in Beijing,as shopping in the big shopping mall,visit the different kinds park ,visit the"Si He Yuan"and so Beijing is Chinas second largest city, after Shanghai. It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city. It is also the focal point of many international flights to China. Beijing is recognised as the

political, educational, and cultural center of the Peoples Republic of China, while Shanghai and Hong Kong predominate in economic fields. The city will host the 2008 Summer Olympics.


Beijing ,a metropolis in northern China, is the capital of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). It is also known in English as Peking Beijing is also one of the four municipalities of the PRC, which are equivalent to provinces in Chinas administrative structure and is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. Beijing Municipality borders Hebei Province to the north, west, south, and for a small section in the east, and Tianjin Municipality to the southeast.

Beijing is Chinas second largest city, after Shanghai. It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city. It is also the focal point of many international flights to China. Beijing is recognised as the political, educational, and cultural center of the Peoples Republic of China, while Shanghai and Hong Kong predominate in economic fields. The city will host the 2008 Summer Olympics.



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