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下金蛋的鹅 The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs英语作文

2021-02-18 06:55:01

下金蛋的鹅 The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs英语作文

A farmer and his wife once had a goose that laid a solid gold egg every day.Each evening they settled it securely in its pen in the corner of their kitchen with a bowl of the best corn and a saucer of fresh water.Each morning they found a new,bright yellow egg in its nest of sweet hay.

One day the farmer"s wife said to her husband,"These eggs are all very well,my dear,but though I suppose we will be rich in the end,it is a very slow way of making a fortune.By the time we get it,it will not be worth half what it is today.Now I have an idea.It is obvious to me that there must be a great store of golden eggs inside our goose.Why should we wait all our lives for her to lay them?Go and get the knife and we"ll have all the gold now while we can still enjoy it.”

“Well,"said the farmer doubtfully,"It seems a sad way to treat a good bird.But on the other hand..."

Without another word he killed the goose and cut her open only to find that inside she was just like any other goose,with no sign of golden eggs at all.

"We won"t get rich quickly or slowly now,my dear."said the far-mer sadly.




有一天农民的"妻子对她的丈夫说:“亲爱的,这些蛋都非常好,尽管我想我们终将会富有起来,但这是个非常慢的发财途径。到发财的时候,它的价值将不到今天的一半。现在我有一个主意:很明显,鹅的体内一定储存了很多金蛋。 我们为什么要用一生的时间等它下完所有的蛋呢?去拿刀来,在我们还能享受它时,我们要得到所有的金蛋。”







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