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2021-03-01 13:15:02


1. Figure out 搞清楚,弄明白

What I can’t figure out is how to make it work in my program.

2. Find out

3. Fit one’s need 满足某人需要

4. For ages/a long time

5. Get along with 进展

6. Get around 避开

7. Get used to 习惯于;使适应、

8. Use to do 过去常常

9. Go Dutch/split the bill/fifty-fifty/separate the bill

10. Go sightseeing

11. Go/keep on a diet

I’m on a diet recently, so I’d better skip the dessert.

12. Have a hard/difficult time with sth.

13. Have a temperature/fever

14. Have the final say:有决定权

15. Hold up 堵塞,持枪拦截,举起,拦截

Did you hear that the convenience store next to the gas station was held up last night?

16. In a good/terribly /mood

17. In the long run:长期来看

It seems very experience. But in the long run it will save the money on the maintenance.

18. Join in:参与

19. Keep between the two of us:/keep a secret

20. Keep fit

21. Keep in touch with

22. Knock it off/stop

23. Lay off/fire

24. Let out:放走,泄露

25. Look for a needle in a haystack:大海捞针

26. Make a hit:获得成功

27. Make ends meet:使收支相抵

28. Make sense:有意义

29. Make up;补偿,化妆,补考

30. Meet each other half way: make an agreement



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