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Beatuiful cat英语作文

2021-03-09 12:50:02

Beatuiful cat英语作文

On the way home from school this Friday afternoon, I was walking with my little friends, talking and playing, and walking to a garden.

In the garden, I saw a little white cat playing there. It was white and lovely. Some of our little partners squatted down and played with it for a while. It felt that the cat was so cute and fun to take it home. But I thought, mother did not let the small animals go home, because I was afraid of taking the kitten home, affecting my study, so, I do not want to call my cat to take home. So I played with my children in the garden for a while.

At this time it was late, mother would let me go home early, I have a little love, but can not take this small white cat, hope in the future on the way home can meet it.



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