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2021-03-25 04:45:02


The Story of My Pet

by Alice Wang, from Fangcaodi Primary School

Good afternoon! My name is Alice. Today I will tell you a story about my pet.

My pet, named Diandian, is a white cat with two black spots on its forehead. I brought it into my family from a street-side market two years ago. At that time, it looked small and thin. I fed it with milk and cat food. With time going, Diandian grew up, and we became good friends. Every afternoon when I was back from school, it always welcomed me on the doorway.

The most interesting thing was to play games with Diandian in my spare time. We played hide-and-seek. I hid myself hehind the door, then put my hand out of the doorframe to grasp Diandian’s eyes. While it saw my hand, Diandian first stared at my hand for a moment, and then jumped high to catch. Of course, I draw back my hand very quickly. I won the game every time. Diandian never succeeded, but never gave up.

Diandian was like a naughty boy. It always ran up and down, jumping from floor to chair, and to tabletop. Sometimes, it broke glass, vase and even goldfish vat. When summer coming, Diandian lost hair heavily. The small white hair is not easy to clean. All these made my mother unhappy.

On last summer holiday, we visited my grandma in Jiangsu Province taking with Diandian. My mother decided to leave Diandian there. I felt sadly without Diandian. I often called my grandma to know how it was going. Diandian learnt new knowledges there, like climbing tree, eating real fish and so on. Afterwards, grandma told me that Diandian was lost. We don’t know where it is now. I miss Diandian very much. I hope it is still alive.

Thank you!



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