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2021-05-07 15:55:26


People imagine new york to be a city of sky scrapers.Perhaps too,they associate the city with the wold trade center,the statue of liberty, fifth avenue,times square, the united nations,and central park and so on. except for the statue of liberty all these places are in one part of the city, that is,manhattan,which seems to be an island of skyscrapers.

The city is also a place where the headquarters of the united nations is located.People from all over the world live in the citysand work at the united nations.The translator working at the un must speak one of the five official languages:English,French,Spanish,Russian and Chinese.

The world trade center is a “united nations of com merce”along hudson river. the towers of the world trade center are 405 meters high,and each has 110 floors.Together the two towers have 48 600 windows.Three of the 102 elevators in each tower can take you from the first to the ll0th floor in one minute.

Besides,there are international banks,government offices,transportation companies,restaurants and import and export businesses inside the twin towers.The lob by of a building is usually on the ground floor, but at the world trade center there are lobbies in the sky!



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