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2021-05-22 08:05:03



[1] Samour, L.A. and R.E Porter. Intercultural Communication: A Reader (5thed) [M].Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1988.

[2] Goodman K. S. Reading: A psycholinguistic Guessing Game [J]. Journal of Reading, 1976.

[3] Anderson RC. Frame Works for Comprehending Discourse [J]. American Educational Research Journal, 1997,14: 369.

[4] 胡文仲主编. 文化与交际[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1994.

[5] 肖健壮. 英语学习策略[M]. 北京:现代出版社,1997.

[6] 马博森. “阅读教学中的话语分析模式”,外语教学与研究[M]. 2000年第2期63-66页.

[7] 廖道胜.“中国学生英语阅读中的文化障碍”,外语教学[M]. 2001年第4期73-77.

Biographical Data

Wang Lin, holds a doctorate in Comparative Literature and is vice-professor and Dean of the English Department of Foshan University. He specializes in English Literature and Translation. He teaches English reading, translation, English literature, English poetry and has translated more than twenty English fictional and non-fictional works, such as Aesop’s Fables, The Black Pearl, The Naturalism, The President Lady, and Oscar Wilde and His Fairy Tales. He has published over ten academic papers, among the major ones; A Study on Dubin's Life, A Study on Translating Criticism of Creation Society, Oscar Wilde and Tian Han,and A Plan to Explore the Oral English Teaching for Students of non-English Major.



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