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2021-05-22 13:15:01



( ) 1. A. bike B. side C. ship D. drive

( ) 2. A. eat B. cheap C. leave D. great

( ) 3. A. class B. clean C. cost D. cinema

( ) 4. A. letter B. member C. person D. teacher

( ) 5. A. grow B. now C. throw D. tomorrow


When I was three years old just before my sister was born, my mom asked me what we should name

the new baby. I said, “Let’s call 1 Gravy(肉汁)!”

You know, we pour gravy over meat and it tastes good! My parents found my 2 interesting, but

named the new baby Caroline, instead.

Having a sister 3 my life. When my sister and I played together, we 4 got into fights and got

angry with each other if we did 5 wrong. It sometimes drove our parents crazy. 6 at the same time,

we learned to share our things and to forgive(原谅) each other when we got 7 .

In North America, there are many kinds of families, but 8 families have a boy and a girl. Of course,

some have three or more. In China, most children 9 have brothers or sisters, and they have to learn

those things in other ways, which is more 10 .

When I 11 away to university, my sister 12 me she wished I still lived at 13 . She wasn’t used

to getting all the attention from my parents. But Chinese children get all the attention for all their life!

Some middle school 14 in China wish they had a brother or sister. If you are one of them, I 15 a

good idea for you. Treat your friends and classmates as your brothers and sisters!

( ) 1. A. her B. him C. me D. them

( ) 2. A. news B. idea C. lesson D. story

( ) 3. A. began B. saw C. changed D. enjoyed

( ) 4. A. never B. again C. seldom D. often

( ) 5. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

( ) 6. A. But B. So C. Or D. Through

( ) 7. A. angry B. excited C. hungry D. worried

( ) 8. A. few B. several C. all D. most

( ) 9. A. shouldn’t B. don’t C. needn’t D. wouldn’t

( ) 10. A. beautiful B. difficult C. careful D. friendly

( ) 11. A. took B. put C. moved D. came

( ) 12. A. asked B. answered C. told D. warned

( ) 13. A. home B. work C. school D. family

( ) 14. A. students B. teachers C. workers D. lovers

( ) 15. A. give B. have C. learn D. make



解析:A B C D各项发音

1.关于i 的发音----- /ai/ ,/ai/ ,/i/,/ai/ 。

2.关于ea的发音-----/i:/ ,/i:/ ,/i:/ ,/ei/ ,

3. 关于c的发音-----/ k /, / k /, / k /, / s /,






1.考点人称代词,前面提到是my sister ,所以Let’s call 1 Gravy(肉汁)!”,1这里应该填 A. her 。

2.给我妹妹命名为 Gravy(肉汁),是我的一个想法,所以选B. idea 。

3.上下文语境,有个妹妹改变了我的生活,选C. changed ,其他选项带入也解释不通。

4.两个孩子一起玩耍,一定经常会吵架,选D. often 。

5.肯定句,做错了一些事情,选A. something 。

6.我们的吵架令父母很头痛,下一句话是,同时我们也学会······,所以两者是转折关系,选 A. But

7.原句······forgive(原谅) each other when we got ?.很好选,是 A. angry 。

8.排除法, A. few 几乎没有 B. several 几个 C. all 所有,都太绝对,不符合实际情况,只能选择

D. most


children 9 have brothers or sisters,填‘没有’,B. don’t。

10.只有一个孩子是没办法体会互相之间谅解和谦让的,用其他的方式学习往往比较难,B. difficult ,


11. 上下文语境,When I 11 away to university,搬去学校住,C. moved

12.一个搭配,tell sb. that ······ .即告诉某人某事,tell me (that)she wished···选·C. told

13.简单,妹妹仍然希望我住家里,选 A. home

14. 原文, Some middle school 14 in China ,中学的学生,选A. students

15.意思是,我可以给你出个好主意,用 B. have 。选项A,give 用法是give sth. to sb.,如果填在这里,

就应是,I give a good idea to (而不是for) you。



诚信的重要性作文 窗外一景作文 关于动物的作文150 我与读书作文400字 我的烦恼450字作文初一 什么刷新我的生活作文 电冰箱的作文 我的肖像作文 厉害了我的国作文800 太阳的自述作文300字 西瓜介绍作文 一只动物的作文 一路一路歌作文 童年的记忆作文 写事的作文300字大全 小学生作文夏天的景色 感恩半命题作文 写景的作文700字 南京一日游作文800字 英语作文建议信范文 对我有影响的人作文 想象作文200字 描写春天的英语作文带翻译 作文春天的校园400字 关于有趣的游戏的作文 雨的作文500字 我已经长大了作文350字 失败的价值作文 创文在我身边作文 我想成为一只小鸟作文