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2021-05-27 15:40:03



Safety education of campus is one of key conditions for the development of higher education and an important aspect of social security。 Nowadays, our county is in the transitional period, and our higher education is in a great period of reforming and developing。 Safety education of campus seems to be an important issue under these conditions。 However, there are several problems in safety education, analyzing those problems and providing countermeasures are of theoretical significance and practical value。This thesis could be divided into three parts mainly:In the first chapter, the concept of safety education of campus was given。 And then, the significance of safety education were analyzed, which included four aspects, namely the necessary condition for running the schools and the country by laws, developing higher education in open models, improving the overall quality and coping with adverse security environment。The second chapter analyzed the problems which restricted the effectiveness of safety education in two perspectives。 In the aspect of concept, the safety education was neglected while safety management was overemphasized; the necessity of safety education was understood wrongly。 There were three problems existing in the course of implementation, namely, narrowly implementing, the lack of system and effectiveness。In the third chapter, countermeasures were put forward。 In the contents of safety education, six points must be emphasized, such as legal knowledge, mental health education, the responsibility and awareness for security, safety—prevention knowledge and skills, network security and national security。 In the implementation of safety education, it would be wise to integrate safety education and management, systematical courses and diversified day—to—day education, overall view and focused points, knowledge absorbing and practical implementation。



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