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Lesson29《Surprise 》教学设计

2021-06-02 08:30:03

Lesson29《Surprise 》教学设计



1.Four skills: cake, cookies, sugar, someone, ice cream

2.Three skills: flour, oil, salt, bowl

3.同学能听懂并会运用句型How long is ? .









(一)、Class Opening and Review


T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?

S: Fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine, too. What day is today? What’s the date today? How’s the weather?

2.Students answer these questions together.

3.Sing an English song.

4.Act out dialogues.

T: Do you like a party?

S: Yes.[小学优秀教案网=www.XXJxSJ六十铺中小学教育=-]

T: Li Ming has lived in Canada for ten months. Let’s have a party for him. I think we can invite some friends for the party. Who do you want to invite? Please call them.


Show their telephone conversations.

(由于是复习旧知识,同学们可提前准备好道具,教师要提醒同学正确使用“打电话”用语。如:Who’s that speaking? This is …Is that…speaking? Yes, it is.等。)

(二)、Key Concepts

1. Presentation.

T: Today is Li Ming’s party. Yesterday I bought some things for the party. What are they?(出示课件,同学边看边回答。)

S: Watermelon, pop, pizza, apples, banana…

T: But I think we need some more things. What do we need?

S: We need…(同学也许会给出很多不同的"答案,如“蛋糕,饼干,牛奶,水果等”)

T: (出示课件:一块蛋糕,一些饼干) Yes, we need a cake, some cookies. (出示实物“cookies” )They are cookies,and this is a cookie.(教师区别单复数,并将图片出示给同学)

Students read and spell the new words

T: Can you make a cake? What do we need to make a cake? (同学也许会给出不同的答案如:鸡蛋,牛奶等,教师可拿出准备好的物品协助他们回答)

T : We must have these things to make cookies.. What are they? You can taste it and guess.

(同学通过品尝得出结论,是油,盐,糖,面粉。但要同学注意面粉和花的发音一样, 做cookies需要面粉而不是花)

Then teach and read these new words.

T+S: We need flour, oil, salt, sugar to make cookies.

2. Listen and Say

T: Now, Li Ming’s friends Jenny, Danny make some cookies. But, when they begin making cookies, there’s someone at the door. Who’s that? (教师走到门口敲门,用身势语解释there’s someone at the door.的意思。)

They make some cookies, what does every cookie have? Kim bought a gift for the party. What did she buy?(教师一边提问,一边出示幻灯,打出问题,) Please listen to the tape and answer the questions.


Then show the picture of “ice-cream”, read and spell.

3.Read and say

Play the tape again, students listen and repeat. Then read the text together.


4. Act.

T: Boys and girls, Li Ming is leaving soon. Let’s have a party for him. How do you prepare the party and how to have the party for him, now I give you some sentences, you can accord to the sentences and the text, make a dialogue with your friends.

(教师根据课本提炼出主要句型出示给同学:1. What do you need for the party? 2. How do you make cookies? 3. Who comes to the party? 4. How do you have the party?同学根据句型和课文,编排一个课本剧。教师提示同学要联系生活实际,想想如何开聚会。)

Students show their play.

(三)、Class Closing

Sing a song.

T: Let’s sing a song for Li Ming. Let’s wish he and his friends “Auld Lang Syne”. Play the tape, students listen to the music and sing the song.


Lesson 29: Surprise !

cake make

sugar su + gar

cookies cook + ie + s

someone some + one

ice cream ice + cream



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