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2021-06-09 11:30:02



1. It is in the south than in the north. (warm)

2. French is not used so as English. (widely)

3. His brother is quite . He is the in his class. (strong)

4. Which goes , a horse or a dog? (fast)

5. The sun is to the earth than many other stars. (near)

6. The you speak, the we shall understand you. (clearly, well)

7. She fell yesterday and she feels even today. (ill)

8. Christmas in the west is as as the Spring Festival in China. (important)

9. The Changjiang River is one of the rivers in the world. (long)

10. We are too tired to go any . (far)

11. This work is quite ________. I think he can do it quite ________. (easy)

12. Travelling by air is much ________ than travelling by train. (expensive)

13. He spoke too ____for us to follow. Have you ever heard a person who speaks ___ than him? (quickly)

14. This photo is very ________, but that one is ________ than this one. (old)

15. My friend doesn't feel ________ enough today, but I believe he'll be ________ tomorrow. (well)


1. Mary is than her sister.

A. very more carefully B. much careful C. much more careful D. much carefully

2. Bill is than any of the in the class.

A. taller, other boys B. tall, other boy C. taller, boys D. tall, other boys

3. He isn't to hold such a heavy box.

A. enough high B. very strong C. strong enough D. tall enough

4. He knew only about the history, but I knew .

A. a little, a few B. little, even little C. some, least D. a little, even less

5. We have kept the room for you. It's comfortable room we have.

A. the more B. the most C. very much D. much too

6. He didn't use his pen, because it wasn't to write with.

A. good enough B. good as enough C. as enough good D. best enough

7. Mike Tom.

A. doesn't drive as fast than B. don't drive so fast as C. drives less fast as D. drives less fast than

8. This building is one of the two.

A. the most magnificent B. very magnificent C. the more magnificent D. more magnificent

9. If you don't go to see the doctor, your illness will become .

A. very bad B. very worse C. much worst D. worse

10. The Yellow River is river in China.

A. a second longest B. the second longest C. quite a longest D. second longest


一、1.warmer 2. widely 3.strong, strongest 4.faster 5.nearer 6.more clearly, better 7.ill, worse 8. important 9. longest 10. farther 11. easy, easily 12. more expensive 13. quickly, more quickly 14. old, older 15. well, better

二、1-5 CACDB 6-10 ADCDB



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