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2021-07-09 09:55:02


One of the most telling things about a job candidate is the type of questions she asks the interviewer. You don't have much time to ask a lot of questions, so make sure you ask the right ones. There was one in particular that will catch interviewer’s eye:在求职面试中老生常谈的一个问题就是:在面试中该向面试官提什么样的问题。你没有太多的时间去问很多问题,所以要确保你把问题问到点子上。下面这个问题就可以让面试官眼前一亮:

Thinking back to the person who you've seen do this job best, what made their performance so outstanding?您能告诉我,在过去从事过这个工作岗位的人中表现得最优异的.员工是什么样子的,是什么使他/她表现得如此出色?

Most managers' ears will perk up at this question, because it signals that you care not just about being average or even good, but truly great. This is the question managers wish all their employees would ask.大多数面试官都会被这个问题给惊艳到,因为这个问题暗示着你作为求职者不仅想要成为一名合格的或者优秀的员工,还想要有卓越的表现。这个问题是面试官想要听到的。

That's a pretty good question to ask, but remember to also pay attention to what your interviewer is saying throughout the interview so you can tailor specific questions to what you both discussed. This will show her that you're good at paying attention and processing information.虽然上面这个问题是个好问题,但你也要留心面试官在整个面试过程中说了一些什么,根据面试官和你在面试中讨论过的话题量身打造问题也是很重要的。这样做会让面试官觉得你是一个能认真倾听并且擅于获取信息的人。



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