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2021-07-29 17:55:01


Inaugurnted in A.D. 80 by the emperor Titus, the Roman Colosseum is the earliest prototype ofthe modem superdome. W. ith a perimeter of 527 meters, 80 entrances, and the capacity to hold between 50 and 70,000 spectators, it rivals even the most advanced sports_stadiums in size artd utility of design, while greatly surpassing

公元前80年由提特斯大帝宣布落成的罗马竞技场,可谓是超级穹顶的最早原型。罗马竞技场周长为527米,有80个入口 ,可容纳5~7万名观众,其规模及多用途的设计堪与最先进的"体育馆相媲美,而其建筑之宏伟壮丽,则是后者所望尘莫及的。

The Colosseum was constructed with tens of thousands of tons of a type of marble called travertine and held together with 300 tons ofiron. When completed, it rose up 57 meters in four levels. The lower three provided seating for the spectators and were surrounded by magnificentarcades and 80 perfectly symmetrical arches, each embellished with a statue.The attic story contained brackets wluch could suspend a canopy for shade.

罗马竞技场是由数万吨名为 石灰华 的大理石加上300吨的钢铁铸建而成。完工后,其上面的4层有57米高。底下3层是观众席,被巨大的环状拱廊所环绕,还有80座完全对称的拱门,座座都刻有雕像。顶层部份有托架用以悬挂罩篷,可以遮荫。

In spite of its glorious design, the Colosseum was built largely for the distraction of the masses in a cynical age, providing dramatic and often gruesome entertainments. Armies of slaves fought for their lives in horrific recreations of famous battles. Gladiators fought wild animals and one another to the death in retum for their continued survival, the glory of victory, and precious gifis from their benefactors.


These spectacles of gratuitous violence may seem a little annchronistlic, but they are also analogues in many ways to professional sports today, Perhaps the Colosseum is not really such an ancient artifact after all.

这些暴力场面或许有些过时,然而类似的场景在现今职业运动中仍屡见不鲜。或许罗马竞技场并不是一座真正的 古迹 。



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