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2021-07-31 16:55:01



Campus Safety

1. 校园安全十分重要

2. 因此,学校应当

3. 我们自己应当


Campus Safety Campus security and safety is a big issue and has become a focus in education, especially when tragic events happened time and time again on caroms. The recent stampede at a middle school in Human Province is still fresh in our memory. It took the lives of eight teenagers and injured 26 others.

The tragic events served as a wake-up call. It warns that to safeguard the students, there is still much to be done. Schools across the country should take safety education seriously and conduct it compulsorily. Besides, they should revise their emergency preparedness plans and tighten security. For example, security guards should patrol on campus around teaching buildings and student dorms, and enforce strict entrance checks, barring entry to anyone carrying a gun or s. knife.

As students, we should enhance our awareness of safety that is, being aware of safety issues and of potential hazards in our daily life. For example, foresee the possible incidents and keep away from crowded places. Lock the dorm at night or whenever we are alone in the dorm. If possible, we should also have some first-aid training in order to help us survive emergency situations.



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