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有关Lesson 95 的教学设计方案

2021-08-05 10:25:01

有关Lesson 95 的教学设计方案

Teaching Obectives:

Grasp the Past Cntinuus Tense.

Language fcus:

c a eal, pla vlleball, PE/phsical educatin, cheistr lab, feed, s


Nw l at the picture, what were the children and ther peple ding?

Explain the using f plaing in the par.

Get the students t as and answer in pairs.

A: What was the an ding?

B: He was selling the fruit.

The bs were plaing basetball.

D WB EX.1.

Pla the vide: 过去进行时, Get the students t act in pair.

Step 5 Exercise

As questins.

1. The girl was aing a paper bat.

2. Tn was telling a str.

3. M brther was plaing the pian at six clc esterda.

4. The were ding hewr. (general questin)


1. What was the girl ding?

2. Wh was telling a str?

3. When was ur brther plaing the pian?

4. Were the ding hewr?

Step 6 Hewr

1. Write a shrt article t describe the picture in this lessn.

2. Draw a picture fr ther students t tal abut.

3. D exercises n page 117. Finish ff the wrb exercises.

Writing n blacbard



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