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2021-08-13 14:20:05


HM: So what do you think about the invitation to speak at the conference in October?

P:I think it’s a great opportunity.

HM: I agree. It will be good for the company to have our name up alongside those of the big brands.

P:And people are always interested to hear about how new market entrants are getting on.

HM: We’ve certainly got nothing to be ashamed of on that front.

P:Exactly. The question is whether you want to do the speech or you think I should do it.

HM: Well it’s an important show-I think it would look odd if you didn’t speak yourself.

P:OK. And what about exhibiting?

HM: We’re putting an exhibition stand together at the moment.

P:How much does it cost to exhibit?

HM: It depends which package you go for, but it won’t be cheap, around $15,000 probably.

P:And how much does it cost per person?

HM: As a speaker, you’ll get in for free. And as exhibitors, we’ll get our first four people in for free as part of the cost.

P:Well I wouldn’t worry about the cost too much-I think it’s important that all of our senior team is at the conference.

HM: Sure, it’s certainly the best place to make contacts.

P:That’s right, and hopefully we’ll sign some new contracts while we’re out there.

HM: There are always a lot of media people at the convention, too.

P:OK. So if it looks like we’re going sign any important deals we should draft press releases for them.

HM: If we have any budget left, we should maybe host a drinks party one evening as well.

P:OK, but don’t forget to invite any important customers whatever you do.

HM: So what do you think about the invitation to speak at the conference in October?


C: We need to publish all the necessary information about management structure, guidelines and so on.

HR: Yes, it should all be up on the company website by the end of the week.

C: Good. I just want everyone to be clear about where their division fits into the company structure.

HR: What about that confusion as to whom the Project Managers would be reporting to? Has that been sorted out yet?

C: Yes, they’ll be reporting to James Hu.

HR: And do you still plan to meet with all the company managers to set out the new management guidelines?

C: Yes, I’m going to write to them all this week to give an outline of our new management practices.

HR: Right, do you want me to help you draft that?

C: No, but I’ll need you help in putting together my presentation.

HR: And you and the board have agreed on the specifics.

C: Yes, we’re going to be focusing on open management, horizontal management structures, and so on.

HR: OK, well let me know when you need some input from me.

C: For now I’d prefer you to concentrate on sorting out all the details for the management training course.

HR; It’s all under control. We’ve selected the training company we want to use now-Future Consulting.

C: Oh good. How long is the course going to last?

HR: It’s going to be every Wednesday afternoon for two months.

C: And what made you choose them?

HR: Well cost apart, they offer the most comprehensive package-they cover leadership, team and morale building, motivation, cost management, everything really.

C: Will you be going along too?

HR: Yes, to see what the course is like really-but I’m sure I’ll learn something!

C: We need to publish all the necessary information about management structure, guidelines and so on.


Listen to the dialogue between Project Manager HaiSports (PM) and Store Manager (SM)

PM: Customer service is going to be particularly important at our retail stores because they’ll be our public face.

SM: Sure. I’ve been putting the in-house training programme together with HR, sot it should be fine.

PM: what are you planning to do exactly?

SM: well all the shop floor staff will be coming in a week before the store actually opens.

PM: A week’s training? That is quite a lot, isn’t it?

SM: It’s only going to be for four days, for about four hours a day.

PM: And what is the focus going to be?

SM: Politeness, making sure they know exactly where everything is in the store.

PM: are you giving any training to the people answering the phones?

SM: Yes, we are doing a session on proper telephone manner as well.

PM: what about the staff uniforms? Have they arrived yet?

SM: NO. but they should be getting here any time now.

PM: It’s not just about the staff present themselves, either-it’s about how the store and all the stock are present too.

SM: that’s right. We’ll be covering all that in the training.

PM: OK, I’ve also got a copy of our refund policy for you to have a look at.

SM: Oh, thanks. What about loyalty schemes? Have you made any decisions on that?

PM: Yeah, we’re going to be handling out loyalty cards at the tills to any customer that wants one.

SM: And what does a loyalty card entitle you to?

PM: For every 2, 000 RMB you spend you get 150 RMB off your next purchase. That’s what we are launching with anyway.

SM: It sounds like a good idea to me.


A: First of all, thank you for filling in our questionnaire.

C: that’s ok. How can I help you?

A: Well you made a few interesting comments that I’d like to ask you about, if that’s all right.

C: Sure, go ahead.

A: You said that the customer service you received was “ shoddy”, what went wrong exactly?

C: Well the guy who served me didn’t really seem to know what he was doing.

A: Do you mean he was rude?

C: NO, not rude; he just didn’t know where to find things in the store or how to operate the till, things like that.

A: I see. But you were happy with what you bought.

C: Yes. I bought some trainers; they’re absolutely fine.

A: Good. And you thought they were reasonably priced?

C: Yes. They weren’t cheap, but they’re nice trainer so I didn’t mind paying a bit extra.

A: You also mentioned that worst thing about shopping at HaiSports was disabled access.

C: That’s right. I’m a wheelchair user, you see, and there were no ramps t the entrance to the store-only steps.

A: We’re really sorry about that.

C: Well I can’t say that you are the only culprits.

A: The good news is that we’re having ramps fitted at the store this week.

C: Oh, right. Well it’s nice to be listened to for a change, I must say!

A: We’ll also be sending you a HaiSports voucher to say thank you for helping us with our customer survey.


P: We beat our profit forecast for the quarter, so we’ve got to be pleased.

C: I agreed, although there are some areas of concern.

P: Yes, but we always thought it would be a tough quarter. $2 million profit on $59 million of revenue is a good performance.

C: That’s true. We’re all delighted that profits went up. But revenues fell for the second quarter in a row-that is what worries me.

P: But we always predicted that, which was why we reduced costs by as much as we did.

C: Yes, I see that operating costs fell from $53 million in Q3 to $46 in Q4.

P: We made the mist of saving by switching to cheaper suppliers.

C: So what accounted for the rest of the costs?

P: One-off charges, either relating to redundancy payments or strategic acquisitions.

C: And what about the profit breakdown by geographic region?

P: Asia made $1.5 million profit: the Americas mad $ 1 million in profit; and we lost $500,000 in Europe.

C: Europe is still dragging us back then.

P: Yes, but we still improved on a loss of $ 700,000 in Q3.

C: And what about our European revenues?

P: They remained flat.

C: Well if we can keep costs low we might manage to break even in Europe in the next quarter.

P: Probably. We expect to see profitability in Europe in the next three to six months.

C: Is there any more scope for cost-cutting next years?

P: We expect to make some saving on shipping cost, but nothing major.

C: That’s fair enough, it’s not as if we need to do anything drastic.


CP: So how have you broken the information down?

PM: Each individual product is listed twice-once in its product category and once alphabetically.

CP: I see. And how does the colour coding work?

PM: Red means that we have a stock overhang for that product.

CP: And blue presumably means that that product has sold well.

PM: Actually, blue means that we sold out of it at some profit.

CP: Right. And if it’s just in black?

PM: So how many product lines have suffered fro an overhang?

PM:94, which makes up about 8% of our product range.

CP: that’s clearly too high; really we should be looking to have that figure.

PM: The question is whether we discontinue all of the poor seller or just try to remarket them.

CP: Well since we still have a lot of stock sitting in the warehouse we should try to remarketing them really.

PM: At the other end of the scale, we sold out of 114 product lines.

CP: Then we need to look at how quickly each one of those products sold out and up our repeat orders for them.

PM: OK. There’s also a section at the end of the report about how our promotional offers went.

CP: Yes, how did they go?

PM: Well of the five major promotions we’ve done so far, four went really well according to the sales figures.

CP: But the fifth one didn’t sell even with the promotional offer?

PM: No, I think we’d better cut our losses with that one and discontinue it.


HM: we’ve got a number of major promotions coming up over the summer.

MM: And are we going to be promoting new product lines or sold stock?

HM: A bit of both. First of all we’re planning introductory offers on some of our major new products..

MM: Including our new footwear range presumably advertising campaign for that.

MM: And id our sponsorship proposals go anywhere?

HM: Nothing’s definite, but it looks as though we’ll be signing a sponsorship deal with one of China’s top football clubs.

MM: great. And what about in-store promotions?

HM: Well we’re doing a poster campaign in and around all of our stores showing the new trainers and the release date.

MM: Any sort of special offers?

HM: Yes sort of special offers?

HM: yes – you can pre-order and get a 10% discount; and if you have a loyalty card you can get a 15% discount.

MM: I see. You mentioned something about older product lines too.

HM: that’s right, we’ve got a problem with stock overhangs on about a hundred products lines.

MM: So we need to come up with ways to move the stock.

HM; Exactly. Profitability isn’t really important with this one.

MM: in that case we should drop prices by maybe 25% across the board.

HM: we need to get some special offers worked out too.

MM: Maybe we could double discounts for loyalty card holders on selected products.

HM: yes, that would probably work.

MM: And mail all card holders to let them know about the special offers.



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