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2021-08-18 15:10:02


Jane:How have the preparations for the new marketing campaign been going?

Nick:Good so far, but we still need to make some more group decisions before we can proceed any further.

J:What about?

N:Who is our target market, what forms of media to use in the campaign as well as the budget.

J:Well, I already know that management says we are aiming at the18-25 year old age group and they want to definitely use television advertisements.

N:But what about the budget? Television advertisements are the most expensive.

J:Leave that to management to decide.

N:So what should I tell the staff in my department?

J:Have the people in your department prepare some ideas for a television and magazine based media marketing campaign.

N:Ok. We should be able to give you a briefing on what ideas we have come up with in a few days.



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