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初一英语作文:妈妈的休息日 Mother’s Resting Day

2021-11-23 10:30:02

初一英语作文:妈妈的休息日 Mother’s Resting Day

Last week, our teacher gave us a task to take charge of the house chores for a day. I thought it would be easy for me, so I asked my mother to enjoy her day early in the morning. When she left, I started to clean the house, which took me half an hour to mop the floor, and my back was so tired after bending down for a long time. I decided to take a break and enjoyed TV show. Time passed so quickly, I wanted to cook a meal and searched materials in the kitchen. Then I had no idea what to cook, so I cooked the simple food. But it still took me about an hour. I learned that what a great job my mother have been done for us.




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