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2022-01-23 15:20:01



Today, my mother and I went to the people"s Park.


I came to people"s park this time to stand up. We entered from the south gate. National Day, here is a sea of people, people noisy horse neigh. We are accompanied by luxuriant trees, surrounded by colorful flowers, stepping on stones, and entering the bustling park.


"Sun Ao, look at the lion dance there. Let"s go and have a look." My mother took me to a stage. We can only see two "lions" on the stage surrounded by the crowd, one "Red Lion" is chasing a civilian, the other "Blue Lion" is rolling up and down, turning a somersault from time to time, which makes us praise. All of a sudden, two "lions" collided with each other, "lion head" fell to the ground, and the truth was clear. We all burst out laughing.


After we left for a while, suddenly, I found a man in front with a tight hoop mantra, a golden cudgel in his hand, and a tiger skin - he was playing Monkey King. His clothes are exactly the same as those of Sun Wukong, but they can be seen from the face. He is a genuine counterfeit. Several children poked at his "pain point" deliberately and kept scratching his face, making him not embarrassed in full view of the public.


We came to Nanyang Jiuqu bridge, which is similar to Shanghai Jiuqu bridge, but it is much smaller than Shanghai Jiuqu bridge. I saw a small shop selling Brazilian turtles from afar. "Mom, buy one!" I begged. "No, there"s already one at home. Don"t buy any more." My mother refused me without hesitation. "I bought it because I had one at home, otherwise I would have bought chicken and bird." "OK, but if you buy another Brazilian turtle, you have to give up feeding the pigeons." I hesitated. Although I would like to buy a Brazilian turtle, I prefer to feed pigeons. But for my Brazilian turtle, let"s go! I said, "OK." So mom bought the Brazilian turtle.


I took the newly bought Brazil tortoise and said to it, "you should perform well when you go back, otherwise, I will be too uneconomical!" obviously, the Brazil tortoise did not listen to me, but still looked around and looked West with ease. After a while, we went to the park and got home.


I quickly poured the new Brazilian tortoise into the VAT. And yelled, "red, look at me. I"ve brought you a new friend!" and the Brazilian turtle woke up. It can be seen from their eyes that the old tortoise saw the new one and was very curious. The new one was also very excited. I"m not busy at all!


Today, although I was tired, I was very happy to visit the park and find a partner for my Brazilian turtle.



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