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2022-02-07 16:20:03



Today, 24 students in our class went to the video studio. Of course, I"m also in it.


When we arrived at the video room, Mr. Wang assigned us seats. Then Mr. Wang asked our singing classmates to stand up and sing a song. I sang "big dreamer" and Yu Guangao sang childhood. After a while, Mr. Wang asked us to dictate a few words. After listening and writing, we began our formal class.


In class, Mr. Wang asked us some easy questions. The first one is how Lotus "Dances" in the wind. Just after Mr. Wang"s question was finished, Ma ojie didn"t say anything. He raised his hand and scared me. Mr. Wang had to ask Ma ojie to show how Lotus "Dances" in the wind. Ma ojie stood up like lotus in the wind In the same way, dancing makes us laugh. After asking the first question, Mr. Wang began to ask the second question again. Which paragraph do you think is very beautiful? I raised my hand to answer it. After I finished reading it, Mr. Wang also said it was beautiful. The last question was answered by Zhou renle.


After the question was asked, Mr. Wang asked us to recite the second paragraph. Later, let us recite it. When we recite it, there will be some blocks blocking some words. The prince sharp up and recited it. It"s all right. One class passed quietly. After class, we went back to the classroom.


I wish I could go to the video studio again.



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