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2022-02-18 11:55:02



Today, there is a pot of flowers on the windowsill. It has a wonderful flower named hongzhanghua.


Its petals are unique, only a lonely petal, like the palm of the hand, the color is fiery red, no wonder it is called hongzhanghua. Its petals look very hard, but feel soft, slippery, veins one by one, like a ray of light. The pistils are striped, green and red. They are like Maces. There are rows of small thorns on them. They are dense and soft to touch. They don"t sting at all. They taste like air.


The leaves grow on the stem, like love, with dark green on the front and emerald green on the back. Leaves one by one, the size is different, the small one is only as big as a thumb, the big one is bigger than our palm. From top to bottom, the leaves are growing larger and larger one by one in an orderly way. After careful touch, the bottom of the vein is protruding, and it is from thick to thin, and the top is concave.


Its stem height is different. It is thick below and thin above, straight like a thin chopstick. It"s so powerful that a thin stem can hold such a large petal and leaf!


Anthurium is from South America. Its flowers and leaves are as beautiful as human made crafts. Do you like it?



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