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2022-03-03 14:00:02



This morning, our family got up early in the morning and drove to Jiufeng Mountain to climb. Travel notes of Jiufeng Mountain 300 words


We came to Jiufeng Mountain and began to climb. I took two steps at a time, following my mother. Mom is walking too fast! I can"t keep up! I began to admire my mother. I was tired when I was walking, but my mother was still full of energy, so I had to move on. As soon as I reached the mountainside, I found a place to squat down. My mother said, "I"m so tired. Let"s go back home!" I shuffled down the stairs.


All of a sudden, I saw a bug, a black loach, 10 cm long, one section at a time, hard, with feet underneath. I avoided it in disgust. My mother was also scared to death. She stopped there and pretended to be brave. "There"s nothing to be afraid of." Patted me on the shoulder. "Let"s go. Ah! Here"s another one. " I"m scared to goose bumps! No way. If you don"t go, you have to go. If you go, you have to go. I summoned up my courage, followed my mother and walked carefully. Fortunately, I was not found by them, and finally I was out of danger. Soon we were back at the foot of the mountain.


It would be nice to come climbing every day.



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