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2022-08-16 13:55:01



Nowadays, credit cards have been increasingly popular on campus in that banks are growingly paying their attention to students and laying out various policies to cater for students’ need. People hold different views towards students’ owning credit cards. As far as I am concerned, it is necessary for students to keep credit cards.


There are reasons accounting for my view. For one thing, it is convenient for students to deal with various financial matters. Students can use their credit cards to pay their tuition fees and other fares and that is safer than pocket a large sum of money go everywhere. For another, using credit cards is a good way to teach students to improve their ability in managing their money and form good habit in spending money. For instance, students who receive their pocket money at the beginning of the month have to make a plan to spend their money before they consume with the credit cards, so that they will not suffer from lacking of money at the end of the month. In addition, the overdrawing function of the credit cards provides a chance for those students who cannot afford their tuition fees to continue to receive their education.


Although some students overdraw their money from their credit cards to buy luxurious and unnecessary things that will increase their family financial burden, I consider that the advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.


Thus, I consider that it is necessary for students to use credit cards. Besides, they also should be taught to use it properly and form a correct notion of consume.




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