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2022-08-17 11:55:01



In China, the problem about immoral behavior in public has been widely reported. Chinese people always said that is because the low population quality with self-mockery.


Recently, there was a video shown that a young couple carrying a baby in the subway, and they let the baby peeing inside the subway car. Young couples were denounced by the passengers, who do not care at all. What’s perhaps most shocking, the young father even wanted to kick a lady who were willing to offer a plastic bag as a toilet for the baby. The uncivilized behavior of the young couple is intolerable and disgusting.


In the first place, public place belongs to every citizens, we should keep it clean but not to ruin it. In a small way, the behavior in public represent personal quality, people could learn straightly what kind of person you are by your manner, if you litter everywhere you want, you are a low quality people, not to mention indisCRIminately defecate on land. In a big way, if you act like that in foreign country, that could be a shame for our Chinese nation.


In the second place, the growing path of the baby is worrying. The immoral behavior in public shows that the level of quality that the young couple have. The impact from parents could be huge. The baby might easily grow up into the person just like his father, misbehavior, testiness and bellicosity. Parents should set a good example for children, but not to teach them an error concept.


In a word, is our obligation to behavior polite in public, not only for ourselves, but also for a more comfortable public environment.




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