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2022-08-17 13:05:01



Chinais the largest population country in the world, which increase the difficulty to develop china well. Consider Chinese development in the long term, some people point out that it is necessary for Chinese to carry out one child policy. However, there are opposite voice. They think one child policy is not good for children’s healthy grow up. I agree with the latter opinion. The reasons are as follows.


First of all, one child policy will make children feel lonely. One child policy means every couple just has one child. The child has no sisters or brothers to play with him. As time passes, they will feel lonely. We all know that there is not everything children want to tell their parents. Growing up with no brother or sister, the child may easy to get mental problem, such as, autism. In addition, as every parent just has one child, they will spoil their child double times. As a result, the child will the so called little emperor or little princess. When the child grows up, it is possible that he couldn’t adjust the world, the society, because no one will treat them as little emperor or little princess except their parents.


To sum up, one child policy maybe can solve the population problem in some extend, but it is not good for the long term development for china. Because it is not good for the young generation’s healthy growing up for the reasons mention above.




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