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2022-10-29 16:38:06



Most people believe that besides having a body, mind and emotions, human beings have a spiritual nature。 A major part of your life is your spiritual beliefs and health or contentment in that area。 Fulfillment in your spiritual health can contribute to leading a satisfying and successful life。 Factors involved in having a satisfying spiritual health are that you should be forgiving, be grateful, and be at peace with yourself。


First, you must forgive others and forgive yourself。 Forgiveness frees you from hate, forces you to examine your motives and demands that you give up the need to be always right。 When you hold back forgiveness, you let things eat away in your heart。 This cannot only affect your spiritual health, but it can also be harmful to your physical and emotional well—being。 When you forgive someone who has harmed you, you not only free yourself from the burden, but you actually gain power over the situation。 Anger or revenge only worsens the problem within your spirit。


Second, you should be grateful and thankful for the blessings you receive。 Every time you have a negative thought, counter with a thought of gratitude。 The more you contemplate your blessings, the more you feel the changes in your emotional and spiritual outlook。 The worst habit is ingratitude。 If you feel gratitude, you will be amazed at the changes in yourself, your health, your relationships, your career, and even your entire life。


Third, you need a personal peace that will disconnect you from disquieting or threatening thoughts。 Personal peace is the knowledge that all is well in the world。 It becomes a reality when we shift our focus from problems we cannot solve to a higher vision of hopefulness。


In short, in order to feel spiritually satisfied, then, you should be forgiving, be grateful, and be at peace with yourself。




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