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2023-01-16 07:37:05



In recent years, many classics, especially the Four Great Classical Novels, have been adapted in improper ways. For examples, in a TV series adapted from Journey to the West, Monkey King ridiculously falls in love with an evil spirit. It has gone too far from the original version in which the upright Monkey shows no mercy to ant evil spirit.

Various reasons account for this phenomenon. Firstly, readers" or audiences" preference plays a critical role. In this market economy, where there is demand, there is supply. So many playwriters or directors cater for these people"s need. Secondly, some producers want to attract people and make profit.

To curb this phenomenon, I think two measures should be taken. First, it"s necessary to change the way people treat classics. An adapted version that goes too far from the original one is not merely disrespect to the author, but also misleads the readers or the audiences. Second, the concerned authority should check and ban TV series,videos or books that spoofclassics.



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