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高考英语作文迟到准则 Rules for Being Late

2023-01-17 06:10:02

高考英语作文迟到准则 Rules for Being Late

It has been admitted that girls are allowed to be late for a few minutes when they having a date with boys, which is a way to show respect. But if boys are late for the date, they are treated to be rude. This is the rules for being late. Girls always have the privilege of being late. But at the meeting, both boys and girls are not allowed to be late, or they will be disliked by employers and lose the opportunity to get promoted. Obviously, lateness is not welcomed in the date between friends, because they are in the equal situation and no one have the privilege. Arriving on time is the basic rule to show respect. While some girls keep the bad behavior of being late all the time, which makes them infamous.




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