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2023-01-25 05:12:01



“清明时节纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”,转眼又到了一年一度的清明节,这一天是人们给祖辈挂亲、扫墓的日子。 今年的清明,也是一个细雨纷飞的日子。我和家人乘汽车来到了我的老家——坪村。放眼望去,只见一望无边的田野开满了金黄色的油菜花,好似来到了一片金色的海洋。我们用篮子装满了供品,沿着杂草从生的羊肠小道,从山脚向亲人的墓地走去。

"It rained in succession during the Qingming period, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls". In a flash, it was the annual Qingming Festival, which was the day when people hung relatives and swept tombs for their ancestors. This year"s Qingming is also a day of drizzle. My family and I took a bus to my hometown - Ping village. Looking around, I saw the endless fields full of golden rape flowers, as if coming to a golden ocean. We filled our baskets with offerings and walked along the grassy path from the foot of the mountain to the graveyard of our relatives.


After an hour of hard work, we finally arrived at the grave of our relatives. I saw my father and grandfather. First, I used a knife and hoe to clean up the weeds on and around the grave. At this time, grandma told me some stories about the old lady. From these sporadic things, I learned that my old lady was a hard-working, kind-hearted person who had suffered all her life for the sake of future generations. Thinking of these, I suddenly had an indescribable attachment to my dead relatives. Before long, my father and mother arranged a space in front of the tomb, arranged the offerings, lit incense candles and money paper, and then I knelt down in front of the tomb in the sound of firecrackers, kowtowed several times, pinned our infinite yearning for our dead relatives and prayed for the blessing of our ancestors.


When we come back, we are in the rain, with endless thoughts, reluctant to leave.



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