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2023-02-01 02:22:01


这是我最喜爱的书。喜欢斯佳丽的勇敢坚强,喜欢瑞特的机智果断,喜欢玫兰妮的外柔内刚。下面就是小编收集的英语作文, 供大家参考!


"Float", is my favorite book. Like Scarlett is brave and strong, like the quick Ruite decisive, an hand in a velvet glove like Melanie.


Scarlett for the people, my feeling is contradictory, is hate but had to admire her. She is a very individual character, the two men love her lifetime, but she did not know one. If you know her Ainslie, that she would not love him; if she understood Rhett, she would not lose him. She had been longing, she just kept pursuing his dream of the prince ashley. She is his love of the characteristics that there Ainslie, she just did a gorgeous clothes, so put on Ainslie, and then fell in love with him. The truth is, she just loved that dress.


For her, I have to admire, admire her strong, admire her dedication to the land, to admire her down before in that environment education to work in the field, regardless of the world to admire her remarks and start his own business. She lives a few soul, she is a mother. His mother is a very capable, gentle typical lady, she is the most admirable people. However, in order to save the mother was infected typhoid, died. Another, is her most loved for over ten years and Ashley. She can stand up in the face of adversity, there is a big part of the reason is that ashley. She was exceptionally dedicated to him. Another, is Melanie. In the many years of struggling together, Melanie has become an indispensable part of her life..




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