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2023-05-04 02:02:01




These days, I read a book called "if give me three days light" in the book. Written in the book is the protagonist Helen Keller after the loss of hearing and vision how out of the darkness and loneliness, with his amazing perseverance, with the help of Sullivan teacher, cum laude completed the Harvard University four years of study, became the first to obtain a bachelor of arts in human history story to the deaf and blind.

The protagonist of the book Helen Keller had only 19 months of light and sound. When I see a nightmarish fever when her eyesight and hearing to deprive, I can't help but feel deep sorrow for her. I was afraid that her from now on will never never get out of the hearing and vision of horror and grief. But when I saw her can according to their own thinking to do some simple movements, I'm full of hope for her future. When I saw her with the help of the teacher ShaLiWen learned to speak, and went to the world's most famous school, Harvard University, finished school, I can't help but feel proud and proud for her again. Among them, the most let I touched of is Helen

Keller story when I was a child in learning to speak. Because Helen Keller can't see the shape of mouth also hear others' pronunciation, you can imagine her to learn to speak it is a impossible thing. But she with her indomitable willpower, again and again practice, plus the teacher's careful teach, Helen Keller finally spoke on and off

"The weather is warm" a word. This is really a miracle!

Finished reading the book, I think Helen Keller in the face of such a great difficulty, also can not shrink back. Think about your was so lucky than Helen Keller. I have a sound body, a good learning environment, good teacher, but I don't know to cherish, meet some little difficulties will shrink. In contrast, I really should not. Beginning from today, I must be a role model to Helen Keller, study hard, difficult never flinch.










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