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2023-05-04 05:37:23




Today, I launched a fierce battle with her sister. But the battle, but it is by a small computer and make out.

In the morning, I was sleep sweet sweet sweet, was "hippo mouth" to wake up, my mother also scared half to death. I just rub their sleepy eyes, they heard the sound of a mother that matter: "today elder sister want to come to you in the morning, hurry up?" Yeah, kiddo to come in the morning, she wanted to play computer! I a butt to slip off the bed and mom, also suddenly "fly" to go to work.

A little later, the doorbell rang, elder sister as a head of bull, head straight into the computer room.

"Hey, give me something good soon!" Kiddo a rip-off sit at the computer and want to eat, is really a very delicious worm! I left see right to see see, banana pie last night just ate up, she always do not love to eat sausages... Well, give her chocolate!!!! I quietly from the sugar jar took out a piece of dark chocolate nuts, removing the skin, while it unprepared, chuai into her sister's big mouth, my sister got a fright. I poured a glass of water to the elder sister, she is a guest.

After satiated with food and sister sat in a chair without having a bottom, and it is too much. You know, I am also a little bit of a computer nerd? So I angry, pushed her up. Elder sister defy spirit: "how? I am not playing for a while? I am your guest!" "No!" I wrinkle up eyebrows, eyes, pushed the elder sister, the more the farther. Elder sister nasty, hurriedly I pushed the door, his leisurely to sit down and look at the online TV. I have to pinch fist, rushed to take the mouse away. She did not have the mouse at once, don't know how to do well, follow me to run in high dudgeon. Not good! We are running out of line! I stopped, such as elder sister after come, took her shoulder.elder sister come back, I have been looking after my lovely cash cow cultivation. She suddenly grabbed my hair, pulling me "when" is painful. Then, I "settled in" to the door, and went to play computer.

I can be hard to not line, it soft. So, I walked slowly toward the elder sister's side, to help her back rubs. And when she saw that I was so clever, said: "good, good!" My face got red, then spit out a list of words: "dear sister, can let the kid sister play?" "Can't!" Didn't think elder sister is a cold-blooded, so false! Bitterly I thought in my mind. Time and time again I dead to tie up lousy dozen, kiddo but it will not fall for it, I'm can't!

Ah! Kiddo wins the battle.






吃饱喝足后,姐姐坐在椅子上就不挪屁股了,这也太过分了啊。要知道,我也是个小小电脑迷呢。于是我怒气冲天,一把将她推了起来。姐不服气:“咋了?我玩会儿不成吗?我可是你的客人啊!” “就不!”我皱起眉,挤着眼,把姐越推越远。姐急了,一把把我推到了门边上,自己悠闲地坐下来,看着“网上电视”。我气得捏紧了拳头,冲过去把鼠标夺走了。她一下子没有了鼠标,不知道怎么办好,气呼呼地跟着我跑。不好!线不够了!我停下来,等姐追来时,拍了她一下肩膀,姐回过神来时,我已经在照看我种植的可爱摇钱树了。她一下子抓住我的头发,拽得我“哇哇”直叫疼。随后,把我“安顿”到门旁,自己又去玩电脑去了。




Today is New Year's day, my mother and I to the new supermarket wal-mart to buy things.

On the road, we saw on the side of the road there are many colorful flags waving, put up in every intersection celebrate New Year's day the red flag. Streets are all put up red lanterns... Soon, we came to the blue sky plaza. See here are put up everywhere in the square simple kiosks, the contents are factory direct sale, here to make promotion of the brand, they are playing the full 100 New Year's day to 50, 200 minus 110 yuan of advertisement, attracted many consumers to their booth before the choose and buy, there was a sea of people, the promotion platform around a. We parked the car and walked to the door of the wal-mart supermarket, multiplied by the escalator to the supermarket.

Entered the supermarket, see hanging on the ceiling of the red ones written to celebrate New Year's day full seventy percent sold to slosh, promotional there are many commodities on the bus, I leaned forward, curiously watching while call: "mom, it's cheap, as long as 1 yuan is enough, it is no more than 1 yuan outside the supermarket." "Yes yes" mother answers. The promoters are head wearing a red paper hat with the tiger head standing in front of the counter introduced products to consumers. Packed in the supermarket, people are buying red lanterns, and ready to hang at home at New Year like yu auspicious; Some on the buy various blessing language tiger dolls; And buy the colorful ready for guests of the New Year come home to eat candy... Jostling along the stream of people, we walked to see while shopping, in fruits and vegetables, counter at the meat counter, counter in articles for daily use... People are packed with shopping. We picked the good things to the pay zone, where the length of the team that payment is far beyond our imagination, such as for half a day before it's our turn.

New Year's day is really busy!









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