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2023-05-04 07:18:11




The taste of youth? Flavor.

Sour and sweet and tasty

The sun is shining, all things recovery, everything is so vibrant, the birds are singing in the branches hard, but I don't interested. Looking at a trickle drips down the brine, I tired to depend on the chair. "Jingle bell," a the telephone rang. "Hey, who is it?" I asked lazy. Only listen to the voice of impurity from the surface, "hey! What's wrong with our superwoman? Disease beat you?!" "X gentleman, you quickly come back! You don't know, other family representative can be played while you were away, we were on the doghouse..." "Hurry back! Otherwise I put your table when garbage!" ...... Clearly shining so batting practice, but with care, whole heart, every word was moved to tears running down his cheeks, I smiled and said "good!"

The taste of sweet and delicious, this is youth!

Spicy and refreshing

Scattered sunlight scattered by the careless, the breeze slowly, the weather is so comfortable, a high spirit. The playground, a group of teenagers gearing up youth beautiful beautiful. "-" with a roar, ring, only the original mobilising on teenagers has shot out like a fly off the sharp arrows of the bow. The first lap, run easily. Second ring is a little difficult, nose breathing supply has not, nose, mouth breathing together, heavy feet like filled with lead, and then there were less than 300 meters, I feel a pain in my throat burning, heart like to jump out of the chest, just want to give up, look up to the opponent you sweat, I clenched teeth, close your eyes tightly, spelling the life road, sweat rolled down his cheeks, falls to the ground. So good weather, and so don't take this, finally left 50 meters. 20 meters, 10 meters... "Ok!" With a whistle I collapsed on the ground...

The taste of spicy and refreshing, this is the youth!

The bitter difficult to swallow

"X gentleman, I just go to the office, as if to see you down!!!!," worries a classmate said to me. "How possibility? You must be wrong!" I not said. "Read the below grades, you remember once!" "A gentleman, full marks, the first name! B... X, then the class office..." A lesson in sadness passes. Office, the teacher and earnest of say: "X jun, you're proud again, right? You how this result on the 8th, want me to say you what good?..." Tears running down his cheeks, bitter and salty, acidity difficult entrance, gave me a profound lesson.

The taste of bitter difficult to swallow, this is the youth!

Youth gave me laugh, sad for me, give me a lesson, to leave me. Colorful youth, youth flavor.

The taste of sweet and sour, salty, this is the youth!

















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