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2023-05-05 03:41:08




Down the second lesson this afternoon, I, Ding Yuezhu, WenHao, Luo Xin, xiang-yang mu, Zhao Chenhui holding a football to our health district to play football.

First of all, I, separation Ding Yuezhu a WenHao, and the remaining one. Start playing! Luo Xin to midfield and I serve, I threw the ball high, such as the ball come down, I jumped kicked, dumped Luo Xin, then Zhao Chenhui to rob the ball, I am a "# from this article from the" tricks deceived him, and then sent a foot, the goalkeeper jumped and caught the ball, : "all right, lost a ball not afraid, continue to refuel!" Is Ding Yuezhu in comfort me. I a down spirit, said: "Ding Yuezhu, we two!" The other goalkeeper to send the ball to midfield, Ding Yuezhu run forward, a "down" to pass the ball to me, I bring the ball forward, after Zhao Chenhui Luo Xin comes at this moment, Ding Yuezhu, ran to the front of his house I pass the ball to him, he sent out a foot, into the!!!!! Ding Yuezhu embrace together, and I almost a dance!



首先分家,我,丁跃竹和温浩一家,剩下人一家。开始踢!我和罗鑫去中场发球,我把球扔的.老高,等球落下来时,我一跃而起踢了一脚,把罗鑫甩了,然后赵晨辉来抢球,我一个“过#from 本文来自人”招数就骗了他,然后一脚发出去,守门员一跳,接住了球,:“没事,丢了一个球不怕,继续加油!”是丁跃竹在安慰我。我一下来了精神,说:“丁跃竹,咱两冲!”对方守门员把球发到中场,丁跃竹跑上前,一个“倒挂金钩”就把球传给了我,我带着球向前冲,过了赵晨辉,这时罗鑫来了,丁跃竹跑到他家门前,我把球传给了他,他一脚发出去,进了!!我和丁跃竹抱在一起,差点跳起了舞!


A few days ago, our school in order to meet the arrival of the Olympic Games, so he had a sports meeting and the final game is to play football. Let me introduce you to how the scene of the match.

At first, the game hasn't started, but the scene was very lively. After ten minutes, the race began, team spirit, serious face. Like who and who make a contradiction. Is the blues' first serve, serve people really want to put the ball in a foot, but the goalkeeper hurriedly block, and the goalkeeper just to keep the door, and now serve people don't shoot the ball go in, get everybody blame instead, everyone is wrinkly to knit the brows, enter the game again. Second, serve people changed again, the man looks very will play, just kick the ball in. The audience broke out fierce applauds from the audience. How exciting they are!!!

The last is the blues' victory, they shout loudly: "we won" the audience cheer for them, too. ? Listen to my introduction, do you also feel very happy?




最后是蓝队胜利了,他们高声呐喊: “我们胜利了”观众也为他们喝彩。怎么样?听了我的介绍,你是不是也感到很高兴呢?




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