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2023-05-06 04:19:03




you can't laugh or has to be strictly corporal punishment." Oh! "Good, learning goose-stepping today. Practice step by step to his feet, and his hand on his belt. Lift left foot 25 cm from the ground, then walk around this exchange of friends to alignment and team, not prominent rhythm. Walk back and forth. So, in the first row, first, not bad. Feet to tread a voice came out. The second row, third row how all kick out to a voice, to the foot feel ZhongMa hemp, will be good, so walk a few times in a row, oh what a walk is a few hours, so tired, but there are several don't seriously, squatting beside looks tired..."

Chief of staff, have a look at our today, though not scold by chief of staff, like yesterday, but today we think of staff is gentle to us, but also know how to put our hands, legs straight to strong...

The original surface of staff is give a person a kind of very cold feeling but felt that he was his guide is very good. Our minds like to eat the honey is sweet, warm heart. After the guidance, we will have more spirit... Afternoon, the instructor is more strict we still like morning or goose-stepping but still very tired, again, like pickles body soft, good uncomfortable, I had almost passed out. Instructor let us walk around again, we know yourself is bad, but the instructor in order to let us have the confidence to so had been saying to is to encourage us. Today, actually we don't want to smile, but I saw the instructor that white teeth exposed unconsciously we kind of just want to laugh, and we are seeing other class when he was playing step walk, they walk like a fool I am ugly, of course, may we leave may also is ugly. Don't think they when we can and instructor for the koo laughed but also quite good...

Walking in the evening or morning as there are also a beautiful beginning to a satisfactory end. Walking this evening son came up they were singing just long Lin let Lin son they sing a song, but they struggled for a long time all don't sing, long gone really don't give a little long face... Soon ended. We are all very tired, can finally go home well go to bed. Military training is like dead. But it can hone our will.



今天,天气还是艳阳照,烈日炎炎,晒死人! 嘟嘟……哨声回响在耳边。刚刚下来的"我们又要集合有没有搞错,我才12岁,就要这么累,累也得忍…… 听教官说,昨天有人在日记上写了“教官对我们一点都不严,还和我们嘻嘻哈哈的笑。”害的他被上司骂了一顿惨。王教官宣布:“今天,你们要严格不能笑不然的话都要被体罚。”哦!“好,今天学习踢正步。分步练习先练脚,把手插在腰带上。把左脚抬起来离地有25公分,然后左右这样交换的走好友要和队伍对齐,不能突出要有节奏。这样来回走走看。开始,第一排先走,起,还不错。脚要有声音踏出来。第二排,第三排怎么都一样脚踢出来要有声音,要到脚有种麻麻的感觉,才会好,这样连续走几遍,哎呀怎么一走就是几小时,累死了,不过有好几个不认真,在旁边蹲着看着就累……”


原来参谋长是表面给人一种很冷的感觉但被他指导后却觉得他很好。我们的心中就像吃了蜜那样甜,心里暖暖的。指导后,我们就更有精神了…… 下午,教官就更严格了我们仍旧和早上一样还是踢正步但还是很累,又开始了啊,和腌菜一样身体软了,好难受,我都快要晕过去了。教官又让我们走来走去,我们自己知道自己是走的不好的,可是教官为了让我们有信心就这样一直说着为了就是鼓励我们。今天,其实我们不想笑,可是一看见教官那洁白的牙齿露在外面我们就不知不觉种就想笑,还有我们在看别的班级走踢步的时候,他们走的像一个傻瓜我难看,当然可能我们走的时候可能也会很难看。看他们时我们就和教官无缘不辜的笑起来不过还挺好的……





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