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2023-05-08 02:13:01




Recently I read a book "the decameron" work, I have benefited a lot from.

"The decameron" is a collection, but it is not normal work of the story. Boccaccio adopts the form of a story, a knack to frame the story organically to form a rigorous, harmonious narrative system. Great plague as a starting point, so as to lead to ten young men and women, and point out the natural disaster led to the downfall of the social order, human relations, daub the era background for the whole work. This period of the introduction, the author of the prologue, postscript, and 10 men and women in the activities of the villa, is a big framework, cleverly inclusive and string of characters tells the story of 100. This 100 story, in addition to the first day and 9 days without proposition, the story of the eight day under a common theme, make this frame structure one integrated mass. And the characters in the story is often tells stories. Big framework, medium a small frame, medium a story, story can clearly express the author's emotions, ideas, and has a fascinating artistic charm, large and active, complex and orderly.

"The decameron" also attacked the feudal privilege and gender inequality. Boccaccio is convinced that man's dignity depends not on birth, but decided to a man's wit. Even to serve the king of the groom, the instrument and smart compared to the king, no less. Many stories recounted in their fight for happiness, lowborn men often with their own wisdom and perseverance against feudal lords and nobles. Boccaccio reveals such a truth: "poor won't kill a person of noble quality," the poor tend to be a sage, "noble man lost his ambition", the imperial family put pig sheep is the only place for children. He also holds denounced the medieval monks insulting women on behalf of the sin of the outdated ideas, praise the beauty of women is a natural creation, claims that women should enjoy equal status with men.

Boccaccio in many stories turneth the edge of the criticism to the Catholic church and religious theology, relentlessly uncovered the veil of the holy church, the monks extravagant luxuries, blackmail amass, simony, suppress heresy, such as a variety of dark deeds, completely exposed. It is important to note that in the first two story decameron, with sharp incomparable pen, boccaccio tartly satirized the corruption of the church. An evil, immoral notary, deathbed confession when a phone chat, was the church after the death of a saint. A Jew, post at the Vatican in Rome that you visit, secretly learned about, learned from the Pope, the bishop to priest, everyone is a glutton, unscrupulous, likes the lust and trafficking, Rome has become "to accommodate the big melting pot of all evil", "Christianity is full of evil and darkness." The story sets the tone for the whole work.

Boccaccio also beyond the attacked the monks' personal qualities. His criticism is much more profound. He searching, no mercy, directed at the church and religious teachings. He shows in his stories, monks, is full of virtue and morality, inside but behave like thieves and prostitutes, is a hypocrite. The root cap from church Canon, from form of hypocrisy and against humanity. Boccaccio criticism of the church, expressed the city populace class resentment of theocracy.










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