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2023-05-08 02:19:03




A face is thin, face is sad little aristocracy, in order to beautiful heart of sinn her, he fell in love with the knight novel... A thin old horse - millet south, a rusty handle spear, a helmet, holes in Don Quixote with sancho began their great job. But times have changed, the knight system have already become a thing of the past, he naturally become a knight, and he only to fantasy to achieve when the knight is yearning, he put the village inn as a castle, the innkeeper as a castellan, the rotating windmill as a giant, the sheep as the army, the barber as a warrior, the victory of the copper plate as a famous man in helmets, the criminals as a persecuted gentleman... Make a lot of jokes, suffered countless, wake up until shortly before her death. Alas, poor Don Quixote!

However, Don Quixote is great. It is not contradictory. Composed of idealism spirit and romantic emotional appeal, Don Quixote temperament is not everyone can have, this is a full of practice the courage and inner enthusiasm hero temperament, what we need is the lofty belief and holding great ideal quixotic. Don Quixote, dare to pursue their hearts of Buenos Aires. Da sinn is only a beautiful dream, but he is trying to find a dream. She is constancy to the love, even if it's just the next village, milk a cow girl. He has a very justice chivalry, he thinks the world need to save the great Don Quixote. He's so funny, the heart is so serious.

Is Don Quixote's incompetence and brave, let along with the out line of shangqiu. Shangqiu, a type of Epicurus pleasure. Mr Zhu guangqian ever give them such a evaluation: an ideal, is full of fantasy with a spear and a kite fighting, with showing the knight prestige Don Quixote, the other one is from the great food, enjoy your life in high officials give the flavor of shangqiu. Pan Sha. They are a ridiculous idealists, one is practical idealists. But Don Quixote belong to the past, shangqiu. Pan Sha belongs to the future. Along with the rising of the forces of the bourgeoisie. The ideal person is not Don Quixote but shangqiu... Perhaps Don Quixote is the fool in smart, smarter in shangqiu is a fool also not wrong.

Once the book is just for the irony knight literature aims to turf completely destroy the knight literature, then, it has become a epic will the death knight class.









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