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2023-05-08 04:01:12




Unconsciously, autumn again. , in an autumn, respectively, with my best friend, then it is the tears of the fallen leaves in autumn, the wind drift.

Still clearly remember

"Xiao yun, let's go to the hillside to catch butterflies?" "Well." Hand in hand, so the two girls merrily dancing like two butterflies fly to the sun.

"What are you talking about!" I nu way. "Xiao yun, I'm sorry, I'm going to transfer, I am really sorry, but..." "you needless to say. I know, goodbye..." I come bag, with heavy steps out of the class, came to a bridge. She said she would transfer... I silently in heart, how can she be so? One day before your transfer to tell me, why don't you said earlier? Let me have a psychological preparation. "Xiao yun..." a familiar voice, echoed in the lake has no ups and downs. I gently turned around, it was her. "Little... cloud, just tell you today, because I am afraid you sad, so..." "that's enough! Be afraid of me sad? Do you know, in this way, I don't have any psychological preparation, hear, only you want to transfer you know not to know, when I heard the news, I quick collapse! Do you know, when I understand as your good friend was the last one to know, how much I sad? Have you thought about these?" "Yes, I'm sorry, xiao yun, I didn't know that, I just don't want to let you sad." The helpless tears running down her cheeks, falls to the ground. See her like this, I can't help but want to comfort her a few words, but, I ate the grind teeth, kiss xiu leave. I ran all the way home, rushed into the room and shut the door with a "bang", they began to cry.

"Xiao yun." Slightly sad voice soft, through the window, to my ear. Is she? I carefully looked at the curtains back, really is her! In darkness, a golden dress, more let a person feel sad. It's so late, she is still doing here? "Xiao yun, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it. Tomorrow morning, I sat at nine o 'clock plane and would like you to send me." She wiped the tears of canthus, disappear in the night. Gently soft soft moonlight sprinkled on sending out the light fragrance of white gardenia, I secretly from tight fist.

The next day, the plane field echoed with radio reminded passengers on the plane, I rush to airport, with a golden shadow on the wall, she is still in! "Joe... I'll be your farewell." Hear the sound, she like a fluttering in the autumn yellow butterfly flew at me. "Xiao yun! You finally come! Will you forgive me?" She asked the excited. "Well, it's not your fault, if I, I will do the same." I gently opened her hand and a piece of autumn leaves, in her hands, "this is the gift I gave you, I want to tell you, don't forget this fall, after on the other end of the earth, you are a good friend will always bless you." "Thank you, xiao yun, I won't forget." She choked up said. I smiled at her light: "go." In this way, I looked at her golden figure to fly in the sky, then, it is the tears of a glittering and translucent, fall into my palm, warm, like I gave her the fallen leaf, the warmth of my hand. (all JingWenXue www.wan-jing.com).

"Autumn again." I gently hold a falling leaf in the palm, the golden autumn wind blows quietly I also take to another distant country...







翌日,飞机场里回荡着广播提醒乘客上飞机的声音,我急冲冲的来到候机室,一抹金黄色的身影倚靠在墙边,她还在!“乔...我来为你送别了。”听到声音,她像只在秋天里飞舞的黄蝴蝶朝我飞来。“小云!你终于来了!你肯原谅我了?”她激动的问着。“嗯,这不是你的错,要是我,我也会这么做的。”我轻轻打开她的手,将一片秋天的落叶,放在她的手中,“这是我送你的礼物,我想告诉你,别忘了这个秋天,以后在地球的另一端,你的一位好朋友将永远祝福你。”“谢谢,小云,我不会忘记的。”她哽咽着说。我朝她淡淡的笑了笑:“快去吧。”就这样,我望着她金色的背影飞上了蓝天,随后,一颗晶莹的泪珠,落到我的手心,温润着,像我送她的那片落叶一般,温暖着我的手心。( 万景文学 www.wan-jing.com )





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