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2023-05-08 07:43:01




The autumn night, the moon is round. People always say 16 round the moon in the "15". Can be in August 15 the moon more than 16 round. The stars are so much, the countless stars around the moon. Some stars like to be alone, but when they saw the round the moon, also want to to the edge, seems to be all the stars are all the children of the moon, on this day, they came from different directions and the moon together.

Many people with work favour not reunion with his family. When they stood by the window gazing at the moon, may think of li bai's "flying mirror, under the moon yun-shen knot sea floor", su shi's "moon? How long will the wine ask blue sky, I do not know in the imperial palace in the sky, when's past." - homesickness, festive, to the moon always things, that's because the moon in the same full of yearning for relatives, it's no wonder that the moon is round. Moon cakes are a symbol of the reunion. When people eat the moon cake, not only after tasting moon cakes that sweet taste, more is missing for relatives. At the same time give love a more enjoy family is so warm.

When I was a child, my mother always told me the story of the goddess of the moon, I have heard many times, but still don't bother. As long as it is the story about the moon I feel novel, always yearning for one day I can fly to heaven go, fly to the moon and the goddess of the moon together play, look at the stars together.

Grow up to see,, it is not so wonderful. If return to the past, will education at the "it's not that easy to go to heaven heaven and there's nothing the goddess of the moon, there is no water on the moon, temperature difference is very big, can't life..." Can be remembered: a childhood himself is quite lovely. I still to keep the imagination!

In this full moon night, we gave everyone the blessings of love. It is this love makes the moon rounder, people become more close.










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