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2023-05-08 07:47:01




Teachers and schoolmates:

Sun dongsheng again, once again, the cool autumn wind another harvest fruit fragrance, and a look forward to September blessing of prosperity. 26th is teachers' day stepping lightsome pace slowly coming to us, here, on behalf of my school to hard work and dedication of the teachers would like to extend season's greetings, and wish you work smoothly, happy life!

In September, it is important to respect teachers and the theme of this season, the air was filled with the smell of concept ShiEn, is forever of virtue, respect from the past, present and future, all teachers should enjoy the respect and blessing; Teachers' day is September, stepping lightsome pace slowly come, for every one in our from a naughty child to teenager to elegance and life time of youth, the teacher has been education, motivating, care for our people, although their ordinary life, but love is education, heart and students; They have spirit of candles, burning themselves, but to illuminate the others; In the history of the development of human society, teachers bear the continuity and forward the glorious mission, teachers use their own blood shaped to develop generation after generation, enterprising!

Two real small through history, is a history, is a struggle, a paean to again! The teacher of our school for two real small education cause, and coaching, silently dedication of his own youth, in this piece of land on the sweat, make our school created one after another brilliant! The teacher is very worthy of our each student respect and love. Hope to continue to carry forward the traditional respect from the students, respect the teachers, listening to the teacher's teaching, hard to exercise myself as excellent good student! This will is the best of the teachers' day the students to the teacher a gift.

Teachers, belong to our holiday is coming, let's continue to carry forward the fine tradition of hard struggle from, lead all classmates, hand in hand advance together, unite as one, seize the opportunity, grasped the nettle, to play together in the 21st century, and for our second together compose a new chapter, we also believe that the smallest will be because of our hard work and a better tomorrow!










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