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2023-05-09 02:10:08




I am 6 years old began to learn Chinese, go to Chinese school for two hours every week. In the beginning, I find it hard to, because there are a lot of words and words all don't understand, it's hard to remember. My mom and dad is from Hong Kong to the United States. We speak cantonese or English in the home, so I really don't know how to speak mandarin. But I listen to mama said, there are more and more people speak mandarin, is very useful to learn mandarin, I will keep on learning.

Remember in Chinese school for the first time, I don't understand mandarin, to learn to write is like learning to paint, but I write very seriously. Stick to a few years later, I gradually understand the content of the many, also a little understanding of the mandarin. But sometimes, I will still a mistake the meaning of slang and idioms. Chinese teacher suggested that I should learn to use the dictionary this tool. At first I learn to check xinhua dictionary, but still don't quite understand, the teacher suggested that I again check english-chinese dictionary. In this way, I learn more, check, gradually understand is more also. Then I'll return to read the sentences and pay attention to listen to other people speak mandarin, my Chinese level had the very big progress.

I think learning Chinese is very useful, it can help me understand some of the things in China. If I go to China, you can use mandarin to communicate with others, it will be very convenient. It is good for my grow very, so I insist on learning Chinese.








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