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2023-05-09 03:13:02




Imperceptible in, "learning" has been with me through the fourteen unforgettable spring, summer, autumn and winter. In countless spring, summer, autumn and winter, I tasted the suantiankula study. There will be some sweet, some grief, here's my hard in learning:

Remember the fourth grade in elementary school, the school organized a training course - swimming. For a landlubber "of course I interested, early program. To not too and the swimming pool close to me, to do the practice on the water is very interesting, think back to when I was a child, full of unlimited fun. I thought that is so simple, home action didn't also the practice of the teacher, the teacher does not look up, but not for long, after all, the teacher won't let us play all the time, the teacher changed the teaching way, in the fifth lesson is to make every student practice jumped into the water. All of a sudden panic in my heart, wish: now can be done, and more than 2 meters of water this jump one thousand sink? I haven't practiced, drowning? One thousand slipped foam board? One thousand -- -- -- -- -- -- one thousand -- -- -- -- -- -- no longer dare to think. I saw a classmate jumped like a dolphin, a burst of the acoustic "flop" "flop" resounded through the ear, only feel my heart can't afford. "Jiang Fan" out loud to the teacher, to me, what should I do? All blame I didn't learn a few lessons before, didn't go home a good practice. I want to, what also can't take my foam board is to jump into the water. I immediately grab boards, according to the action of the teacher taught to swim, but I do not know how the teacher teach me all forgotten, what also can't do, the teacher had to me angrily out of the water.

The teacher didn't good the spirit ground say: "what's wrong with you? Go home have practice?" Say me ashamed, the teacher also won't tolerate, he let us these not practiced alone to practice, practice some of the most difficult movements, such as practice sit-ups, frog legs, had we bother to complain,

Early the next day as usual, I went to swimming pool, this time I come so early, good in swimming suits, to adapt to the environment here, but I asked about that strange smell, whole body shiver. Finally the teacher is coming, there is a ruler in his hand, let a person see the fear. Began, I saw in front of me one by one the classmate all went down by the broken, can't drink on a few big saliva, but has not been successful. "Jiang Fan" and the teacher called my name, I tremble a lengthy shouted sound "...!" In the face of the blue water, spouted flow, my heart is becoming more and more quickly. Scoffs beside teacher: won't be afraid of? Under a... "" no" I said aloud - "for export. Once again I take plate desperate jumped into the water, to the teacher's words, my confidence is back, I swim rhythmic, side classmates cheer for me, "yeah", I already know I swam across the finish! I also teach out "yeah", but not careful, the hands of the plate slipped, drank a big saliva, the students are laughing...

This is a piece of my study life, "struggle" real learning!










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