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2023-05-10 03:10:01




All the drizzle, leaves flutter past are cheering for us, the opening ceremony is about to begin.

Students stood on the green grass, twittering said to the other students with their mood at the moment.

The opening ceremony began, the teacher to maintain discipline. I saw five leadership Principal, the principal zhang Chen, President, secretary zhou and Chen tang principal entry in turn. Secretary zhou announced the opening ceremony started by the director.

In the first paragraph: "the internationale". See leaders solemnly stood motionless. At this time, a few birds are this beautiful the internationale to shock.

The second: President Chen. President Chen told us that in the last semester grades better class, such as: we expansion of sixth grade class two number first, English 86 class first. Didn't praise our class, but I still want to study well, strive for next time to praise in our class. President chan finally let us study hard, strive for every exam to get good grades.

The third: zhang. The headmaster zhang said to us: our school in the county are always leading the way. Last term our school grade four and six grade in the final quizzes, ranked first in the county. A principal speech, while observing the following discipline, and praised the fourth grade students discipline is good. At this point, I am ashamed of bowed his head, we already is a student of grade 6, is smaller than our classmates discipline concept is not strong. The headmaster zhang and puts forward four requirements for us. 1, since the childhood to have big dreams. 2, strengthen safety awareness. 3, speak hygiene. 4, love of learning. Finally, we put forward the best wishes. The audience applauded warmly.

With the birds chirp songs, the opening ceremony is over. We went back to the classroom, the leaders of the speech is still ringing in my ear.




开学典礼开始了,老师来维持纪律。只见五位领导 陈校长、张校长、陈主席、周书记和唐校长依次入场。由主持人周书记宣布开学典礼开始。



第三项:张校长讲话。张校长对我们说: 我们学校的成绩在县里总是名列前茅。上个学期我校四年级和六年级在期末抽考中,在县里排名第一。 张校长一边讲话,一边观察下面的纪律,并表扬了四年级的同学纪律好。此时,我惭愧的低下了头,我们已是六年级的学生了,比我们小的同学遵守纪律观念还不强。张校长又为我们提出了四个要求。1、从小要有远大的理想。2、增强安全意识。3、讲卫生。4、爱学习。最后对我们提出了美好的祝福。台下报以热烈的掌声。





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