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2023-05-10 03:12:01




Holiday waste heat has not fully subsided, the new one semester has quietly, I once again, and the last time, enter the full of so many memories in the campus, I in the school the opening ceremony for the last time.

Built into the auditorium, the inside wall climbing walls, once we, have been climbing, rock climbing wall to temper at the very top of the climbing walls inscribed with 16 characters: a vital qi, ideals, students all over the world, in China, the handwriting vigorous, beautiful, this is the principal, is our motto. Today, I to the climbing walls, silent, said goodbye.

Approach, honorary principal pan address on stage, this time, I listen to particularly serious, ordinary words, for me, it is so precious;

Confidence, cooperation and competition often is the principal said, now, I want to keep it firmly in mind, never forget. Because, you have a lot of figure in a hurry, some left behind, some beyond you, but you can't speaking out of turn to give up, remember our teacher often in this sentence, what's ups and downs, sharp setback fold replace small ordeal.

You never satisfied with a little achievement, you won't be smug in one or two test, chest gully, ambition of qingyun, waving strong fist, in your heart you blow for oneself in the bottom of my heart cry, go all out to succeed!

Exit, and I looked back the lookout rock climbing, the last time the opening ceremony, is not only the last time I in this school, or am I the whole the opening ceremony for the last time the junior high school career, so this time the opening ceremony, I'll never forget.



步入礼堂,最里面的墙上修建了攀岩壁,曾今的我们,一直在攀岩壁上锤炼攀登精神,攀岩壁的最顶端,镌刻着十六个大字: 一身正气,志存高远,同学天下,共托神州 ,字迹苍劲有力,挺拔秀美,这是校长的手笔,是我们的校训。如今,我对着攀岩壁,默默的说了声,再见。


自信、合作、竞技 是校长经常讲的话,如今,我要把它牢牢地记在心里,永远不能忘记。因为,你的身旁有许多的身影匆匆而过,有的落在了后面,有的超越了你,但你不能轻言放弃,记得我们的老师经常吧这句话挂在嘴边,风风雨雨算得了什么,挫挫折折权当小小的磨难。






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