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2023-05-10 04:35:01




Today is the annual Mid-Autumn festival. After dinner, I sat in the balcony ecstatic view and admire the bright Mid-Autumn moon, affectionately looking like that, to transfer the line of sight.

Suddenly, the sudden appear in my mind a thought to mother tea, and tea to celebrate together. What a charming!

Reluctant to leave my eyes the bright moonlight, back to the living room, take out the tea, the teapot and cups. I asleep curled up by the body is the first small tea into the teapot, carefully lest they awoke from a deep sleep, and then poured into 300 ml of boiling water. Slowly, the little cute stretched himself, blossom their smile, leisurely floating on the surface... I cover the lid, after ten minutes, I will be six small purple sand cup on the tray is placed into a circle, and then my right hand, left hand according to the lid, a circular pour six small cup full of pale yellow tea. I picked up a cup of, under your nose gently quietly smelling the tea fragrance, I revel, this tea, pure and fresh quietly elegant, I as if place oneself in the bamboo forest, an empty, is full of green bamboo forest. I quickly call mom, also came to the beautiful moonlight tea quietly. Looked at his mother would make good tea I drink a small mouth, I asked my mother: "the tea?" My mother said happily: "it's so sweet." I also drink slowly.

Gently silvery moonlight gently sprinkled moon on us, my mother and I with the feelings of the joy with the austere living without tea. When I am drinking the second tea, the tea I found more and more sweet. Mother said, yes, the first tea is impoverished; The second is sweet tea, the third tea flavor is very weak. I suddenly thought of a famous novel "red rock" of the revolutionary martyrs in the refuse pit couplet written - see the hole still vista, looking out of the window is the New Year, banners are after suffering comes happiness, do not even the way of tea "after suffering comes happiness"?

Imperceptible in tea was finished. The Mid-Autumn festival moon still hung.

On the tea is a good thing, the fun the joy, there is sweet in the bitter sweet tea I will be unforgettable.











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