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2023-05-12 05:15:11




There are a lot of the things in childhood, the most worth my smile, is the childhood of mice business. This matter though over the past few years, but whenever I think of, can't help to laugh.

That day, I was eating dinner, in a nearby rice bags, next to a mouse in secretly to eat rice, I immediately put down his bread and butter, from behind the door, picked up a broom, near it, slapped while it eats, I'm picking up the broom down immediately and with a swish, that the mouse moves very fast, hiding in the fall. Before long, the mouse baring his head, and I picked up the broom to shoot down immediately, no photographed, mouse always hide under the cabinet, can't let me play. Mouse and then ran to the table, for a while hiding in the bottom of the stool, and looked back at me from time to time, as if to say: "you can't catch me, ha ha!" I was so angry.

The next day, the mother brought back a mousetrap said to me: "tonight you can use this to over-ride the damned mouse!" I nodded, at night, the mouse came out again, I picked up the mousetrap, chased the mouse didn't think mice a brainwave, dodged. I chased it around, his mouth said: "I don't believe this mouse steal meters can't hit you! You have skill don't run." Just then, the rat clip 1 to "pa" in my hand, mouse, and can escape, I was caught in the instead. Mom saw come and ask me: "what? Yang Yang," I say: "I don't 'play' to mice". "Ha ha" laughter, mother said: "rat clip is used for mice, not to play. You put some mouse love to eat the cake on the mousetrap, steal to eat it is good." Then it dawned on me, the way mother did.

The next morning, I wake up, couldn't wait to go see the mousetrap, caught in the "thief steal and rice" was. "Ha ha", I succeeded, I'm happy to jump three feet high.









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