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2023-05-15 04:17:05


导语:朝花夕拾是一本著名的课外读物,他给我们讲诉了:鲁迅的童年生活,也思考着自己的童年生活。。 面是小编为大家整理了朝花夕拾的英语读后感。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


In the prose of lu xun, the only "the life is a moment," I feel the lu xun in the journey of his life long aftertaste, since childhood full of joy and confusion, the teenager study and a series of events gradually grasp the justice, to the middle age more forcefully to life, they make me feel "spectacular" by lu xun.

"In days of yore" ten articles in the past, memories of different feelings. Describes the dog, cat, mouse is lu xun's childhood of cat and mouse likes and dislikes. The long and < seas > "recalled childhood nanny mother's honest good long; The 24 filial piety figure of ridiculous folly of chaotic society at that time the feudal filial piety made a strong attack; The five cabin will review the hour hou lu xun a look at the temple fair experience; "Capricious" vividly describes the countryside to meet god games live impermanent. "From the herbals to sanwei bookroom aftertaste the lu xun was happy childhood innocence and reading in sanwei bookroom happy days; "The father's illness" in the process of narration father is ill treatment, expresses the social phenomenon of the quack doctors miss people jealous; "Fragmentary" is the story of the experience of the author youth to study in nanjing; While studying in Japan, "Mr Fujino miss lu xun teacher Mr Fujino, and describes the author from a medical article after; The Fan Ainong Fan Ainong, memories and mourned the youth friend. To read carefully, every article has its unique taste, and unusual experiences.







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